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全国外语翻译证书考试英语二级口译 这是UNOG总干事Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky 在取缔地雷大会各国代表第二次会议开幕式上的讲话,请将讲话内容译成汉语。 第二部分:汉译英 这是在一个会议开幕式上的讲话的一部分,请将该部分讲话译成英语。 三、考试结束后,再次检查是否在录音磁带的A面标签上正确填写了自己的姓名、考点和考号,检查完毕,离开考场。请勿将磁带和考试用纸带出考场。 录音稿 Certificate of English Interpretation: Level 2 Now please listen to the instructions about this exam. I抣l give you a brief introduction before each part of the test begins and leave you enough time to do the interpreting. Each part is divided into a number of segments and at the start of each segment you抣l hear this tone (TONE). At each pause where you are expected to start interpreting, you抣l also hear this tone (TONE). You抣l hear each segment only once. Let抯 start with Part 1. Part I Consecutive Interpretation: English to Chinese In this part you are going to hear a welcome speech by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva at the opening ceremony for the Second Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Convention. Please interpret the speech into Chinese. Let抯 begin. (//查表示停顿) [TONE] Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to welcome you all for the second meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Convention. I would like to extend my greetings to you, Mr. President and to all the distinguished guests and delegates here today. [TONE] // [TONE] I would also like to recognize the presence of three generations of landmine survivors who have traveled here from many countries. They are a constant reminder of the urgency of achieving a total and universal ban on anti-personnel mines. [TONE] // [TONE] As a Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Conference on Disarmament, I am very much encouraged by the many strides made towards the total eradication of anti-personnel mines which provide us with a good example for disarmament efforts in all directions. The opening of the International Center for demining here in Geneva in 1996 and the entering into force of the Mine-Ban Convention in


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