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5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 葡萄酒的香味并不是单单通过鼻腔来感觉的,各种香气的分子通过口腔达到感官黏膜来感觉气味 The smell of wine is not accessed via the nostrils alone; volatile aroma molecules also reach the olfactory mucosa through the back of the oral cavity 葡萄酒的香气直接通过鼻孔吸入 Direct route taken by aroma molecules via the nostrils 香气分子通过口腔后端,从而人体能够感觉到 Route taken by aroma molecules via the nasopharynx 5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 口感 Palate 甜味 Sweetness Dry, off-dry or sweet 酸味 Acidity Tingling sensation on sides of tongue Sour taste Low, medium or high 5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 单宁 Tennins Only necessary in a red tasting note Drying sensation on palate and gums Low, medium and high 酒精 Alcohol Heat in the mouth and throat low, medium and high 回味 Finish 5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 1-怎么品酒 How to taste a wine 抿一小口葡萄酒在口中, 让口腔中的每一个部位都接触到葡萄酒,吸几口空气, 以带出葡萄酒的香味,并细细品味 Sip the wine and let it go around in your mouth,then take in some air to oxygenate the wine and feel the nuances of the flavor 2-品什么 What to taste 1 - Attack given by acidity 感受葡萄酒特有的酸味给你的第一感觉 5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 2 – Balance 感觉葡萄酒是否平衡 3 – Body 感觉葡萄酒的酒体 4 - End of mouth 感受葡萄酒在嘴里的回味 5 - Length Stops 感觉回味在口中的延伸感 5. 葡萄酒品尝 Wine Tasting 结论 Conclusion 平衡度 Balance Harmony of flavor and other elements 成熟 Maturity Requires aging, ready-to-drink or over-the-hill 品质 Quality Assessed using length, balance and range of flavor characteristics 6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine Food 基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒可以清口 Wine refreshes the palate between bites 食物和葡萄酒中的成分相辅相克 Elements in food and wine can complement or detract from each other 红配红, 白配白 Red to red, white to white 6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine Food 基本原则 Basics 葡萄酒的酒体与食物的食体搭配 Weight of wine matches weight of dish 葡萄酒的风味与食物的风味相得益彰 Wine flavor may echo with food flavor 葡萄酒的风味可以与食物形成对比 Wine flavor may contrast with food flavor 复杂的菜配简单的酒, 简单的酒配复杂的菜 Complex wines with simple dishes, simple wine with more complicated dishes 6. 葡萄酒与美食 Wine Food 各种成分的互



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