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浅谈职业经理人的激励机制的构建 摘要 随着我国市场经济的发展和入世后企业竞争的加剧,职业经理人市场受到社会和投资者越来越多的关注。企业的发展离不开职业经理人,未来中国企业能否做大,并在国际竞争中占有一席之地,在很大程度上取决于职业经理人市场的培育。这已成为中国企业继产权改革之后面临的一个新课题。但目前我国经理人市场还仅仅是起步,并受到诸多因素制约,有的因素已成为经理人市场发展的瓶颈。例如经理人与企业的信任危机,委托—代理下的职业经理人的权力之争等等。因此科学有效的激励机制对于提高满意度,增加企业竞争力具有。介绍现代职业经理人的概念及市场现状的基础上,分析了我国现代职业经理人激励机制所存在的问题及其主要原因,并提出构建现代职业经理人激励机制的方法与措施。Enterprise’s development is inseparable from the occupation managers, the future Chinese enterprise can expand, and in the international competition occupy a space for one person, depends largely on the occupation managers market bread. This has become China’s enterprises in property right reform after facing a new topic. But at present our country manager market has just started, and restricted by many factors, some factors have become the bottleneck of the development of manager market. For example, managers and corporate trust crisis, principal-agent under occupation managers struggle for power. Therefore, a scientific and effective incentive mechanism to improve the occupation manager satisfaction, increase the competitiveness of enterprises play a decisive role. This paper introduces the modern occupation manager concept and market on the basis of current situation, emphasize analysis our country modern occupation mangers’ incentive mechanism, the existing problems and the main cause of problem, and put forward the construction of modern occupation manager’ incentive mechanism, method and measure , drive includes not only the material incentive also includes mental drive, through the material and spiritual aspects dual incentive to motivate occupation managers. Key words: Occupation managers; Incentive theory; Present situation; Incentive measure 目录 浅谈职业经理人的激励机制的构建 1 引言 1 1.职业经理人的特点 1 1.1职业经理人的概念 1 1.2职业经理人的职业特点 2 1.3职业经理人的特点 2 1.3.1以诚实信用为核心的道德素质 2 1.3.2以卓越的管理才能为核心的专业素质和复合型知识结构 2 1.3.3以决策能力为核心的综合能力素质 3 2职业经理人激励机制存在的问题及原因 3 2.1目前我国的职业经理人激励机制存在的问题 3 2.1.1激励模式单一 3 2.1.2长期激励不足 4 2.1.3离职激励不足 4 2.1.4信任激励不足 4 2.2职业经理人激励机制存在问题的原因 5 2.2.1职业经理人绩效评


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