7.6万吨散货轮船坞大合拢工艺研究 毕业论文.doc

7.6万吨散货轮船坞大合拢工艺研究 毕业论文.doc

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专科毕业设计(论文) 设计题目: 7.6万吨散货轮船坞大合拢工艺研究 系 部: 船舶与港口工程系 专 业: 船体工程 班 级: 船体081302 姓 名: 学 号: 053701150207 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 2011年6月 目 录 目 录 I Abstract III 1 引言 1 2 7.6万吨散货轮大合拢方案的分析 1 2.1 7.6万吨散货船介绍 1 2.2 主尺度(详见表2-1) 1 3 大合拢精度控制探讨与分析 3 3.1 底部分段的精度控制措施 4 3.2 舷侧分段的精度控制措施 4 3.3 横舱壁分段的精度控制措施 6 3.4 舱口半宽及舱口围 6 3.5 支柱、垫板及座架下加强 7 3.6 主尺度精度要求 7 3.7 精拉线 9 4 船坞测量 9 4.1 舱口围平面度 10 4.2 船体底部挠度测量 10 结 论 11 致 谢 12 参 考 文 献 13 摘 要 7.6万吨散货船采用壳、舾、涂一体化造船模式,建造方法为塔式建造法。本船的大合拢工艺是在船体的部件装焊、分段装焊、总段装焊、总段舾装、总段涂装的基础上,最后完成全船的大合拢。在施工的过程中,基准线的定位、分段的水平度要精确,胎架要牢固。分段与分段合拢时,要严格以合拢口的平齐度决定修割量,尽量减少修割量,适当预留焊接补偿量。本文针对全船大合拢方案、全船精度控制、船坞测量进行研究,进一步提高船舶生产的质量,缩短造船周期。 关键词:7.6万吨散货船;大合拢工艺;精度控制 Abstract This paper according to jiangsu molten abundant heavy industry Co., LTD 7.6 million tons of bulk big fold process demands and write. 7.6 million tons of bulk carriers Xi, besmear by shell, the integration of shipbuilding mode, the construction methods for tower construction method. The ships big fold in hull of the process is ZhuangHan, subsection ZhuangHan, parts ZhuangHan, total period the total period, total section coating outfitting based on the whole ship and finally complete the big fold. In construction process, baseline positioning, precise segmentation levelness, tire frame to firmly. Segmentation and subsection fold, must strictly to fold the mouth leveled degrees decided to take to minimize cut quantity, appropriate amount repair cut reserve welding compensation quantity. Based on the whole ship big fold scheme, the whole ship measurement accuracy control, docks, further improve the quality, shorten the ship production cycle of shipbuilding. Keywords : 7.6 million tons of bulk carrier, big fold process, accuracy control 引言 新世纪以来,船舶工业步入快速发展时期,呈现出良好的发展势头。 7.6万吨散货轮大合拢方案的分析 7.6万吨散货船


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