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牛津版英语七年级Unit 2 Reading A的教学设计与反思 周岚 (从化中学) 一、教材分析 (一) 教学内容 Unit 2 Reading A 是一篇关于pollution fighters内容的采访,大致介绍树木的功用,特别是在净化空气保护环境方面的作用,并在访稿最后点出了现今树木遭到大量砍伐这一严峻的现实问题。 (二) 教学目标 1、知识目标:了解文中的采访内容以及树对环境的作用,初步了解采访的形式。 2、能力目标: 进一步训练及提高学生运用及掌握跳读和扫读的阅读技巧。 通过小组讨论的方式,让学生找到为什么要植树的理由,并布置学生制作一份海报,呼吁更多的人来植树造林,使学生在阅读后可进行相关内容的语言输出。 (三) 重点和难点 1、重点:让学生运用跳读和扫读的阅读技巧进行阅读并充分获取相关信息。通过词性转换、近义词和用简单的英文解释的方式帮助学生扫清一些阅读中的词汇障碍,如:nature, communicate, destroy, warn, join, etc. 2、难点:初一的学生因其所掌握的词汇和阅读技巧训练还不够熟练,在阅读中会出现判断不正确、对语篇的整体内容把握不准等问题,所以注重引导学生通过上下文的代词理解题目中“Pollution Fighters”指代的是什么,从而使学生掌握借助标题去掌握文章大意的阅读技能。 二、教学过程 Step1. Pre-reading 1. show a picture, “Angry Earth”, to the students and ask them what makes the Earth so angry. Encourage the students to tell you why. Conclusion: because of all kinds of pollution. 2. ask the students to watch and listen to a short flash, “Earth Song”, that is sung by Michael Jackson, and then list some reasons why the Earth is so angry according to the flash. Possible answers: Trees are cut down. / Forests are destroyed./Animals lose their homes./ Animals are killed./The waste from the factories causes air pollution厖 3. ask the students to think of a useful way to protect the Earth, at the same time, show them a cartoon picture and let the whole class to speak out what is the useful way according to the cartoon picture. Possible answer: planting trees. [设计思路] 在Pre-reading这部分,首先通过一幅“生气的地球”图片的展现,从现实的生活环境出发,激发学生头脑中关于环境污染的相关背景知识;然后通过观看flash的直观音像效果,让学生更深刻地体会到环境污染带给地球的严重破坏;接下来通过漫画图片的展现,引导学生一起进入阅读课文的主题,那就是“植树造林是抵制污染、保护环境的有效措施之一”。 Step2. While-reading 1. Tell the students they are going to read an interview about pollution fighters,and “a pollution fighter” means someone or something that fights pollution. And then ask the students to find out who are pollution fighters according to the interview. a. First, give them 30 seconds to find out the key word “pollution fighters” in the interview. And then ask the students to read aloud the last paragraph which the key word “poll


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