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FORK LIFT SIMULATION-SHOCK叉车搬运模拟测试-冲击 For type F针对类型F For type F Then repeat on other vertical faces 2, 4, 6 FORK LIFT SIMULATION-SHOCK叉车搬运模拟测试-冲击 For type F针对类型F FORK LIFT SIMULATION-HANDLING叉车搬运模拟测试-搬运 For type F Elevated push and pull tests Use fork lift to lift the edge a minimum 4 inch of the floor, then push the pallet straight forward a minimum of 40 inches distance in 2 to 3 seconds Use fork lift to lift the edge a minimum 4 inch of the floor, then pull the pallet straight forward a minimum of 40 inches distance in 2 to 3 seconds Then repeat above for all other possible directions of entry of the pallet. RANDOM VIBRATION TEST随机振动 For type D,E 针对类型D,E With top load (top load refer to below, not more than 600 lbs) face 3 on the table: 80 minutes face 4 on the table: 80 minutes face 6 on the table: 80 minutes RANDOM VIBRATION TEST随机振动 For type F 针对类型F With top load (top load refer to below, not more than 600 lbs) face 3 on the table: 240 minutes RANDOM VIBRATION TEST振动测试 For type D,E,F针对类型D,E,F THANK YOU! * * * Generally speaking, freight costs are directly tied to 运费主要取决于: –Size / volume 尺寸和体积 –Weight 重量 –Handling methods 操作搬运方式 The bigger the size, the larger the weight, and the more handling… the higher your costs.尺寸越大,重量越大,搬运次数越多,那么成本越高 * * * * Product 产品: Amazon 产品 Finding: Damage on plastic component after dropping test. 问题点:跌落后造成外部塑料部件破损 CASE Study 实际案例 Product 产品: TV products Finding: Crack was found on the screen after drop test 问题点:跌落后造成屏幕开裂 CASE Study 实际案例 The density of the polyfoam around the product except the corners is too high. Effect of the cushioning is not well. Product 产品: Seating set 座椅 Finding: Damage on component after bottom impact test 问题点:底部冲击造成部件断裂 CASE Study 实际案例 Product 产品: Storage Cabinet储物柜 Finding: Defor





