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东北农业大学学士学位论文           学号:A0708254 机械传动式垄向区田筑挡机的设计与仿真 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在院系:工程学院 所学专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 研究方向:机械设计 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国哈尔滨 2014 年 5 月 NEAU Bachelor Degree Thesis Number: Design and simulation of mechanical driver type basin tillage dimming machine Student: Wang Ronghui Graduate Teacher: DaqingInstitute: Engineering Institute Specialty: Mechanical design manufacturing and automation Research direction: Machine design Northeast Agricultural University Harbin·China May 2014 摘 要 我国坡耕地占耕地总面积的1/3,且水土流失严重。针对水土流失日益严重的问题提出采用垄向区田水土保护措施进行治理。所谓垄向区田就是在坡耕地的垄沟内或在平耕地作物间修筑小土挡,将长长的垄沟或长长的行间截成许多小区段,以土挡拦截降水,以小区段(浅穴)贮存雨水,直到浅穴中的雨水全部渗入土壤,成为土壤水或深层土壤水,地面便没有了径流,这样就解决了强降雨和土壤渗透慢的矛盾,避免土壤被径流冲走,保证了土壤的结构和肥力的有效性,起到保水、保土、保肥的作用。垄向区田是最接近水土保持原则的措施,其理念就是“将每一滴雨水保留在它降落的地方”。这样岗不旱、洼不涝,作物生长繁茂一致,必然会增产显著。垄向区田技术对土挡尺寸、距离、拦蓄雨水的能力等在理论上进行了分析、计算,建立了最佳挡距数学模型,提出了在生产中的农艺要求和运用技术,并经过了生产实践的验证。 针对垄向区田筑挡技术,机电式垄向区田筑挡机被发明并设计出来,近而在机电式垄向区田筑挡机的基础上提出了机械控制筑挡机的可行性,并设计了机械式垄向区田筑挡机。在对其结构和工作原理的分析的基础上,对筑挡机各部件进行了受力分析,并且对主要部件进行了参数上的设计与仿真。 关键词:垄向区田技术;机械传动式垄向区田筑挡机;参数设计;仿真。 Design and simulation of mechanical driver type basin tillage dimming machine Abstract Slope farmland possesses one third of the total area of cultivated land in China ,and the soil erosion problem is very serious now. Adopting the soil and water conservation measures of ridge pitting field is proposed to manage, aiming at the increasingly serious problem of soil and water loss. The so-called ridge pitting field is to build small solid dyke in the furrows of slope farmlands or between the crops on the flat farmlands, cutting the long furrows or the line spacing into a lot of sections, then the solid dykes could intercept the precipitations, and the sections(shallow holes) can also keep the rainwater in storage, until the rainwater in the shallow holes seep into the soil completely and become soil water or deep soil water, in this way, there is no runoff on the ground, and the contradiction between heavy rai


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