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目 录 摘 要 I 关键词 I Abstract II Key words II 一、邵阳市蔬果农产品物流的发展现状 1 (一)邵阳市农产品物流的概述 1 (二)邵阳市蔬果农产品物流发展的现状与存在的问题 1 二、邵阳市蔬果农产品物流发展中存在问题的分析 3 (一)邵阳市蔬果的专业市场不足,农产品物流交易手段单一 3 (二)邵阳市蔬果农产品物流信息体系发展不健全 4 (三)物流基础设施设备投资不足,物流专业人才缺乏,技术水平落后 5 (四)农产品物流发展的观念未普及,蔬果常遭农产品绿色贸易壁垒 5 三、对邵阳市蔬果农产品物流发展的改进建议 6 (一)加强农产品的供应链管理 7 (二)提高蔬果物流的技术水平和信息化程度 7 (三)加大邵阳市物流基础设施设备建设资金的投入 8 (四)加强农产品物流发展观念的普及,努力消除绿色贸易壁垒 9 四、结束语 10 参考文献 10 摘 要 在现有市场经济环境条件下,目前农产品物流存在等问题。借鉴发达国家农产品物流的发展经验,提出改善基础条件、优化整合资源、培育和发展农产品物流组织、加大政府的支持力度、加强教育与培训等对策,加快农产品物流发展Under the condition of current market economy environment, at present, the shaoyang city of fruits and vegetables logistics of agricultural products such as insufficient professional market, agricultural products logistics transaction means a single, logistics information system development is not perfect, inadequate investment, the construction of logistics infrastructure equipment logistics professionals lack, backward technology level, the concept of logistics development was available and the green barriers to trade of agricultural products of fruits and vegetables often. According to these practical problems, in this paper, using the experience of the development of fruits and vegetables logistics of agricultural products in developed countries, put forward to improve basic conditions, optimizing the integration of resources, cultivating and developing agricultural products logistics organization, strengthen the agricultural product logistics supply chain management, strengthen the governments support, strengthen education and training countermeasures, such as, to further speed up the shaoyang city agricultural products logistics development fruits and vegetables. Key words Shaoyang city of fruits and vegetables;agricultural product logistics;green barrier;supply chain management;Logistics information system 邵阳市蔬果农产品物流发展中存在的问题及改进建议 湖南省是农业大省,邵阳市作为湖南省湘西南部农业发展地带主要区域之一,农产品物流在农业经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用,特别是蔬果等经济作物物流的发展,涉及到邵阳市整个区域经济的运行效率和运行质量,直接关系到农民的增收、农业环境的改善以及整个社会主义新农村的建设。 一、邵阳市蔬果农产品物流


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