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Unit 4 Bridge Engineering (8)chief engineer 总工程师 (9)sealant ['si?l?nt] n. 保护层;密封剂;填缝料; formation sealant 封堵剂 fluid sealant 液体密封剂 (10)flex [fleks] vt. 折曲,使收缩 vi.弯曲;收缩 n. 屈曲 dynamic flex 动态扭曲 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering Arched and truss-arched bridges are include in the classification of main structure below the deck line. 拱桥和桁架拱桥归类于主要结构在桥面以下的桥梁。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering Examples are the masonry arch, the concrete arch, the steel-truss arch, the steel deck truss, the rigid frame, and the inclined leg frame bridges. 例如:石拱桥,混凝土拱桥,钢桁架拱桥,钢桥面桁架桥,刚架桥和斜腿刚架桥。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering With the main structure below the deck line in the shape of an arch, gravity loads are transmitted to the supports primarily by axial compressive forces. 在拱桥中,由于主要结构在桥面以下,重力主要以轴向压力的形式传递到支承结构。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering At the supports, both vertical and horizontal reactions must be resisted. The arch can be solid or it can be a truss of various forms. 支承结构必须抵抗垂直和水平的反力。拱可以是实体的,也可以是各种形状的桁架。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering Salient features of arch type bridges are: The arch form is intended to reduce bending moments (and hence tensile stresses)in the superstructure and should be economical in material compared with an equivalent straight, simply supported girder or truss. 拱桥的显著特点: 拱形结构有利于减少上部结构的弯矩(减小拉应力),同时所用材料应当比采用直线型的简支梁或桁架经济。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering The efficiency is achieved by providing horizontal reactions to the arch rib. If these are external reactions, they can be supplied at reasonable cost only if the site is suitable. 通过提高作用于拱肋的水平力可获得拱肋的承载能力。如果这些水平力是外部作用,只有桥址条件合适时,利用外部水平力才是合理的。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering The most suitable site for this form of structure is a valley, with the arch foundation located on dry rock slopes. 拱桥最适合的位置是山谷,将拱桥基础置于干燥岩石斜坡上。 Unit 4 Bridge Engineering The conventional curved arch rib may have high fabrication and erection costs, although these may be


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