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英语长句翻译 方法与原则 一般而言,在翻译长句可以使用顺译法(cutting)。 As the century developed, the increasing magnitude量级 and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnections of different disciplines made it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the huge mass of new data, techniques, and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently. 随着本世纪向前发展,有待解决的问题的数量越来越多,越来越复杂,学科之间的联系也越来越紧密。因此,科学家已不可能单独地处理大量的数据、使用大量的技术和设备,而这些工作恰恰是进行准确和有效的研究所不可或缺的。 The seven principles 但是,在一些运用顺译法不能很好地解决问题的时候,我们必须考虑下面七条原则。 1、时间原则 汉语在叙述一系列事件时,一般遵从“先发生的先说,后发生的后说”的原则。 The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry, because he had not had food for two days. 那孩子哭得心都仿佛碎了,我问他,他说,他已经两天没吃饭,实在饿极了。 My shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understood the pressure on her. 星期三我看到母亲流泪了,我非常震惊和尴尬。这说明,我对她身上的压力知之太少了。 All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper fell. 过了一段时间,远方传来了消息:在小球坠地的当天人们感觉到了地震。这一切都得到了证实。 2、空间原则 汉语在表述空间关系时,一般按照由近及远,由此及彼,由大及小的顺序,少数时候也遵从由远及近,由彼及此,由小及大。比如: The deserted mining villages, protruding突出的 pitheads 矿坑入口及其周围场地 overgrown with tall grass and rusting refineries冶炼厂 behind crumbling walls situated in valleys, were surrounded by thick wooded mountain slopes, hot springs gushing out here and there. 这些荒芜的矿村位于山谷之中,突兀的矿井口上长着深深的野草,破败的屋墙后是锈迹斑斑的冶炼设备。山谷周围群山环抱,山上树林密布,温热的泉水随处涌出。 3. 层次原则 汉语在叙述层次包含的关系时,一般按照由总及分的顺序,少数时候也遵从由分及总。比如: Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement, or more often, because the physical properties of the synthetic substance, which is the common name for man-made materials, have been chosen, and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied. 本句的逻辑关系是,先呈


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