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Why P2MAX.ppt.ppt

Our Mission Statement Vision Our Values Core Business Business Process Outsourcing Identify Elements For BPO Development Of BPO Model Provide BPO Services Service Offering Service Offering Has All Key Success Factors DMG BPO Methodology Implementation Process Quality Two widely accepted quality methodologies: COPC – Customer Operations Performance Centre e-SCM – e-Sourcing Capability Model enables clients to evaluate and compare various ITES (IT-enabled services) providers on a consistent basis and mitigate risks related to business process outsourcing International Presence International Presence Asia Pacific India Mauritius Philippines Middle East Dubai US Canada UK/Europe Overseas Infrastructure Overseas Infrastructure Moving On………. Identify Service Requirements Identify Product Suite Define Project Milestones Cost Projections and Evaluate Benefits Create Migration Team DMG VENTURES. , contact details: Phone: 416-4732903/416-8276990. Fax: 905-8396398 . Email:crm@ * DMG VENTURES. Dedicatedly Managed Outsourcing Solutions . The Future belongs Here . At DMG we dedicatedly manage to provide the best solutions understanding the sense of urgency and consistency of quality towards the outsourced business process that cater our client’s business support ,development and customer acquisition. With us we want you to come in for our prices and stay in for our quality and commitments. To Be A PREMIER SOLUTION PROVIDER For All Outsourcing Needs Unparalleled Client Satisfaction Follow Strong Quality Procedures Teamwork Strong Business Ethics Shareowners Trust Corporate Integrity Respect for the Individual A multifaceted yet focused organization, DMG provides full spectrum of BPO services, partnering with our clients. Customer Acquisition And Retention 24/7 Customer service Voice/Email Marketing Services Inbound /Outbound Telesales 247 Technical support services 247 CRM help Financial Services Billing Services Check Processing Credit/Debit Card P


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