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一、几句闲言 权作引语 半半歌吟半半闻 半半太息半半人 不惑有五人生半,学海沉浮梅雨天。 半清半明半昏然,半俗半尘半逍闲。 半酸半辛半咸淡,半爽半涩半苦甘。 人生百年意如何,一半一半又一半。 学经籍醍醐灌顶 译经籍茅塞顿开 我有明珠一颗, 久被尘劳封锁。 今朝尘尽光生, 照破山河万朵。 ——宋?柴陵郁禅师 苔花如米学牡丹 春风拂面亦汗颜 人文初祖万世功 化物明德千古颂 三坟五典今安在 灵素问难尚可怀 语言精美理精深 思想精湛论精箴 1. 夫上古圣人之教下也,皆谓之虚邪贼风,避之有时,恬淡虚无,真气从之,精神内夺,病安从来。是以志困而少欲,心安而不惧,形劳而不倦,气从以顺,各从其欲,皆得所愿。 2. 所 以 任 物者 谓 之 心 ,心 有 所 忆 谓 之 意 ,意 之 所 存 谓 之 志 ,因 志 而 存 变 谓 之 思 ,因 思 而 远 慕 谓 之 虑 ,因 虑 而 处 物 谓 之 智 。 概念玄秘立意精 金鸣玉振四海清 五日谓之候,三候谓之气,六气谓之时,四时谓之岁。 在这段论述中,“时”和“岁”即英语中的season和year。但“候”和“气”却是中国古代气象学和物候学中独有的岁时划分法,在英语中没有对应的说法,翻译时只好采用音译加注之法。我们今天所说的“气候”(即古代“气”和“候”两个节气概念的组合),一般英译为climate。如果翻译《内经》等古典文献时,遇到“气候”这样的概念,却不宜以今释古译作,而只能音译加注。 黑白易识表里莫辨 长短易别虚实难见 夫精明者,所以视万物,别黑白,审长短;以长为短,以白为黑,如是则精衰矣。 Ilza Veith 氏 将其译为: But those who are skilful and clever in examination observe every living creature. They distinguish black and white; they examine whether the pulse is short or long. When they mistake a long pulse for a short one and when they mistake white for black or commit similar errors, then it is a sign that their skill has deteriorated. 丹溪药戏化神机 识者欣然难传译 在牡丹亭边,常山红娘子,貌若天仙,巧遇推车郎于芍药亭畔,在牡丹花下一见钟情,托金银花牵线,白头翁为媒,路路通畅,择八月兰开吉日成婚,设芙蓉帐,结并蒂莲,合欢久之,成大腹皮矣,生大力子,有远志,持大戟,平木贼,诛草寇,破刘寄奴,有十大功劳,当归朝,封大将军之职。 译虽译矣意趣失 如此之译若不译 Beside the Peony Pavilion lived a young lady in red who came from Changshan Mountain and looked as beautiful as a goddess. Quite by accident she met a young man who was pushing a carte nearby the Peony Pavilion. At first sight in the shadow of the peony tree, they fell in love with each other. Pleading the Gold and Silver Flowers to transmit messages for them and begging an old man to act as go-between for them, they arranged everything smoothly and decided to hold their wedding in an auspicious day in August during which the orchid began to blossom. After marriage, they lived in a room with hibiscus curtain like twin lotus flowers on one stalk. Living happily together for a period of time, the lady got pregnant and gave birth to a baby of unusual strength who had lofty aspirations. When gr


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