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梧州学院 题 目 麦当劳在中国的跨国经营 为何落后于肯德基研究 系 别 经济系 专 业 国际经济与贸易 班 级 10国本2班 学 号 1000101211 学生姓名 梁慈庚 指导教师 杨方东 完成时间 2013 年 6 月 摘要 随着经济不断的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,社会的消费需求也发生了重大的变化。十几年以来,中国的快餐业一直在以每年20%以上的速度在增长,快餐业的营业额已经占据了整个餐饮业营业额的五分之二。说到中国的快餐业,就不得不说麦当劳和肯德基这对老对手。这对老对手进入中国大陆市场也有二十几年了,相互之间的较量可是一天没停过。财大气粗的全美快餐业第一巨头麦当劳在全球经营领先,但是到了中国却委屈跟在肯德基后面,一直做着千年老二。本文首先介绍麦当劳和肯德基的一些相关历史;接着阐述麦当劳为什么在全球的销量能一路领先,成为全球快餐业的龙头老大;最后提出为什么麦当劳在中国经营落后于肯德基的原因及对我国快餐行业餐厅的一些启示。 关键词: 麦当劳 全球 中国 肯德基 落后 Research why McDonalds multinational operations in China behind KFC Abstract As the economy continues to develop, peoples living standards are continuous improving, and the consumer demand of the social has also happen a significant change. Than a decade, Chinas fast food industry has been growing at an annual rate of more than 20% growth, Fast-food industrys turnover has occupied the entire restaurant industry turnover two fifths. Referred to Chinas fast food industry, have to say the pair of competitor, McDonald’s and KFC. These two rivals to enter the Chinese mainland market have twenty years, but one day the contest between them did not stop. The deep pocket of Fast-food magnate McDonald’s global business is the leader, but in China the McDonalds has wronged to follow behind in KFC, has been doing the millennium second child. This paper first introduces some of McDonalds and KFC relevant historical, and then explain why the McDonalds global sales can lead all the way and to become the world leader in the Fast-food industry, finally summarize why McDonalds operations in China and the reasons behind the KFC and give some inspiration to on Chinas Fast-food restaurant. Key words:McDonalds global Chinese KFC lagged 目录 前言 1 一、麦当劳和肯德基的历史 1 (一)麦当劳的历史 1 (二)肯德基的历史 2 二、麦当劳为什么在全球的经营领先 2 ﹙一﹚麦当劳店面选择 2 ﹙二﹚麦当劳餐饮理念 2 ﹙三﹚麦当劳


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