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摘要 随着Internet技术的发展,人们的日常生活已经离不开网络。未来社会,人们的生活和工作将越来越依赖于数字技术的发展,也将越来越数字化、网络化、电子化、虚拟化。电子商务也随着网络的发展日益和人们的生活贴近。Internet的发展历程以及目前的应用状况和发展趋势,可以充分地相信网络技术将极大的改变我们的生活和工作方式,甚至社会的价值观也会发生某种变化。 本设计尝试用PHP在网络上架构一个动态的网上商品购物网站,以使每一位顾客不用出门在家里就能够通过上网来轻松购物。用户可以在登陆后根据自己的需求选择自己喜欢的商品,当选好所有商品后就可以去开收货单,根据收货单据付款。本文清晰描述了数据库的设计,给出购物车编码设计并进行测试,采用PHP+MYSQL+Apache开发技术,设计并完成网上购物平台的构建。本系统主要为用户提供了用户注册、购物车管理、商品搜索、用户资料修改等功能,为管理员提供了商品管理、信息管理、订单管理等功能。 关键词:PHP;网上购物;PHP+MYSQL+Apache。 Abstract With the development of Internet technology, peoples daily life is inseparable from the network.The future society, peoples life and work will more and more depend on the development of digital technology, will be more and more digital, networking, electronic, virtual.With the development of e-commerce is also growing and close to peoples lives.The development of Internet course and present application state and development trend, can fully believe network technology will greatly change our way of life and work, and even social values will have some changes. The design attempts to use the PHP in the network structure of a dynamic online shopping website, so that every customer need not go out at home can easily through the Internet shopping.Users can login according to their own needs to choose their own like goods, all goods can be elected to open the receipt, payment on receipt.In this paper, a clear description of the database design, code design is a shopping cart and tested, using PHP+MYSQL+Apache development technology, design and complete online shopping platform construction.This system is mainly to provide users with user registration, shopping cart management, merchandise search, modify user information and other functions, as administrator for commodity management, information management, order management and other functions. Key words: PHP;Online shopping; PHP+MYSQL+Apache 目录 1绪论 1 1.1研究课题的背景和可行性分析 1 1.2数据库简介 1 1.3所用开发环境简介 2 1.3.1 PHP语言的概述 2 1.3.2 MySQL以及PHP+MySQL概述 2 2需求分析 4 2.1系统需求 4 2.2需求分析 4


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