农户融资的困境与对策分析 毕业论文.doc

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XXXX 毕 业 论 文(设计) 论文题目 姓 名 学 号 院 系 _______________ 专 业 指导教师 职 称 副教授 中国·合肥 二零壹肆年月 ’ needs of financing and rural financial institutions’ serving problem is obvious. The problem includes lack of effective collateral, difficults in guarantees; small amount of financing, few bank branches, asymmetric information problems. These problems makes the financing serve system cannot satisfy the needs of farmers. And as part of rural finance,farmer’s financial development plays an important and irreplaceable role in the development of whole rural areas even the whole nation. This thesis mainly make an analysis on several problems among the problemsof farmers financing problems. First, it analyzes the information asymmetry, which causes adverse selection and the moral hazard problem ; Second, it analyzes the problems of guarantee mechanism; including financing collateral issues that exist in the form of guarantees ; third, the analysis of the financing problems will be presented from the formal financial channels and non-formal financial channels. To solve the above problems, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and effective advice. Keywords: farmer financing; asymmetric information; guarantee mechanisms; financing; suggestions 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目录 III 引言 1 1.选题背景 1 2.选题的意义 1 3.概念界定 1 1.农户借贷的现状及问题 3 1.1农户融资的现状 3 1.1.1 农户融资的目的 3 1.1.2农户的融资环境及情况 5 2.2农户融资面临的问题 6 2.2.1信息不对称 6 2.2.2 担保机制不健全 10 2.2.3 融资渠道中存在的问题 11 3对策 13 3.1 构建信息对称的农村金融体系 13 3.1.1 建立农户信用系统 13 3.1.2 构建守信用的融资氛围 13 3.2 完善、创新担保机制 13 3.2.1完善担保机制 13 3.2.2创新担保机制 14 3.3 拓宽农户融资渠道 14 4 结论 15 参考文献: 15 致 谢 16 引言 1.选题背景 改革开放后,我国经济迅猛发展,城乡居民生活水平均有所提高。现如今,在经济大环境不好的情况下,我国更应该注重国内经济的发展。在改革开放后,我国一直都贯彻落实着“先富帮后富”的口号,但是还是出现城乡“二元结构”的状况。这导致了农户融资一直处在进退维谷的境地,农户的融资需要以及农村金融机构服务尚不完善两者冲突较为明显。缺少有效抵押品,担保难;额度小;金融机构网点少且在不断缩水;信息不对称等“老大难”问题时的农民需求与借贷服务供给很难顺畅对接。我国是一个农业大国,农业人口占全国总人数的70%,占产业总人数几近50%,农村的发展直接关乎我国的总体发展和社会主义的伟大复兴


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