攀枝花攀阳钒钛公司1.5万ta锐钛型钛白项目预可行性研究 毕业论文.doc

攀枝花攀阳钒钛公司1.5万ta锐钛型钛白项目预可行性研究 毕业论文.doc

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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 攀枝花攀阳钒钛公司1.5万t/a锐钛型钛白项目预可行性研究 学生姓名: 学生学号: 200611101209 院(系): 材料工程学院 年级专业: 2006级材料科学与工程金属班 指导教师: 二〇一〇年六月 摘要 钛白粉是最重要的钛系列产品,是目前世界上性能最好的白色无机颜料,广泛应用于近年来发展较快的许多领域。全球钛白粉三大终端用户市场分别是:涂料、塑料和纸张。钛白粉消费量的多寡,可以衡量一个国家人民生活水平的高低。 中国是钛白粉消费大国,而且被誉为钒钛之都的攀枝花具有丰富的矿产资源;本可行性报告充分发挥攀枝花的钛资源优势,拟建一个年产1.5万吨锐钛型钛白生产项目,并从社会经济效益和工艺技术方案等反方面论证了其可行性。 通过研究,本项目原料供应是稳定可靠的;本装置的工艺技术及装备可以达到国内先进水平;采用酸溶性钛渣和硫酸作原料,并配有废酸浓缩和处理装置,解决了环境污染问题;项目总投资为8400万元,年净收入为1533万元,投资回收期为5.5年;本项目可较快回收成本,经济效益显著,具有可行性。 关键词 钛白粉,工程项目,可行性研究 ABSTRACT Titanium dioxide is the most important product,is the worlds best performance of the white inorganic pigment widely used in many areas of rapid development in recent years. Global titanium dioxide are the three major end-user markets: coatings, plastics and paper. The amount of titanium dioxide consumption, to measure the level of a countrys living standards. China is a country of consumption titanium dioxide, titanium and vanadium are known, Panzhihua is rich in mineral resources; the full feasibility study of titanium resources in Panzhihua, proposed an annual output of 15,000 tons of anatase titanium dioxide production project and technology from the socio-economic benefits and programs, demonstrates its feasibility against. Through research, the project is stable and reliable supply of raw materials; the device process technology and equipment to achieve the advanced level; use of titanium slag and sulfuric acid as raw materials, and with waste acid enrichment and processing units to solve environmental problems ; project total investment 84 million yuan, the annual net income of 15.33 million yuan, investment recovery period is 5.5 years; the project can quickly recover the cost of significant economic benefit, is feasible. Key words titanium dioxide, the project, feasibility study 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT Ⅱ 1 项目总论 1 1.1 概述 1 1.1.1 项目名称、主办单位、企业性


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