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摘 要 I
Abstract III
一、 相关概念界定 1
(一) 什么是营业税和增值税 1
(二) 为什么进行营改增 2
二、 营改增政策对企业的影响 3
(一) 税前扣除项目减少 3
(二) 购进固定资产计税基础的变化 3
(三) 收入确认的变化 4
(四) 财政补助资金的税务处理 5
三、 营改增政策下企业应采取的措施 6
(一) 掌握“营改增”相关政策 6
(二) 强化增值税专用发票的管理与风险防控 7
(三) 调整经营策略,实现政策效益最大化 7
四、 结论 8
参考文献 11
致 谢 13
摘 要:2011年,经国务院批准,财政部,国家税务总局联合下发营业税改征增值税试点方案。我国逐步开始将营业税改征增值税,并将增值税的范围扩大到了全部商品与服务中。我国在历史发展过程中,营业税制目前已经趋近于成熟,但重复课征与累积税负等问题也逐渐显露出来。从发展的角度来看,增值税的征收范围与地区、国家的经济发展水平之间存在着密切的关系。在新的经济发展形势下,以增值税取代营业税,既符合国际惯例也符合我国的国情,还将有利于我国市场经济的进一步发展,所以说营业税改征增值税这一改革是十分必要性的。就目前“营改增”试点企业的实际情况来看,影响不一,税负有增有减,引发了企业如何考虑“营改增”等一系列问题。本文将分析我国营业税改增值税的原因以及对企业的经济影响、作用和意义,并针对政策给企业带来的的机遇与面临的挑战,提出具体的解决办法和应对措施。
关键字: 营业税 ; 营改增 ; 税制改革 ;机遇与挑战 ;解决措施
On the camp changed to increase the opportunities and challenges facing businesses under the policy
Abstract: In 2011 ,2011 , approved by the State Council, the Ministry of Finance , State Administration of Taxation jointly issued a business tax with VAT pilot program . China has gradually started to business tax with VAT , and will expand the scope of VAT to all goods and services . In the course of historical development , the business tax system is now approaching maturity, but the repeated imposition of taxes and other issues with the accumulated gradually revealed . From a development perspective , the VAT levied on the scope and areas , there is a close relationship between the level of economic development of the country . Under the new situation of economic development , in order to replace the VAT sales tax , is in line with international practice also in line with China s national conditions, will be conducive to the further development of Chinas market economy , so that the business tax with VAT necessity of this reform is very . For now , Camp changed to increase the actual situation of pilot enterprises , the impact varies, tax increases and decreases , causing enterprises to consider the Camp changed to increase and other issues. This paper will an