浅析中小企业核心竞争力的提升途径 本科毕业论文设计.doc

浅析中小企业核心竞争力的提升途径 本科毕业论文设计.doc

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目 录 引言 3 一、中小企业及其中小企业核心竞争力的概述 3 (一)中小企业的概述 3 (二)企业核心竞争力的概述 4 二、我国中小企业核心竞争力不足的表现 5 (一)盈利能力较低 5 (二)创新能力不足 6 (三)企业客户服务能力较差 6 (四)市场反应能力较慢 7 (五)抗风险能力较差 7 三、造成我国中小企业核心竞争力不足的主要原因 7 (一)良好企业文化的缺失 7 (二)人才资源的不足 8 (三)核心技术缺乏 8 (四)管理能力差 9 (五)企业发展规划缺失 10 (六)企业发展制度不完善 10 四、提升我国中小企业核心竞争力的主要途径 11 (一)营造优秀的企业文化 11 (二)加大人力资源投入力度 12 (三)加大核心技术研发 12 (四)提高企业管理专业化水平 13 (五)进行资源优化配置 13 (六)完善企业发展相关制度 13 结束语 14 浅析中小企业核心竞争力的提升途径 摘 要 中国改革开放34年来,我国的中小企业不论是在数量上还是在规模上都在伴随着中国经济发展的过程中发生了翻天覆地的变化,中小企业为推动国民经济和社会生产力的发展、科技进步、推动和谐社会建设做出了重要突出的贡献。核心竞争力的不足是我国中小企业发展中面临的最突出的问题。本文从中小企业发展的特点,深入分析了当前中小企业核心竞争所面临的问题,根据企业内部的发展要求并结合国家宏观层面的外部环境,为中小企业核心竞争力的提升提出了具有普遍意义的解决措施,以期为我国中小企业的发展提供一些可供参考的建议。 关键词 中小企业,核心竞争力,提升,人力资源 ABStract Since Chinas path to reform and opening up., the medium and small enterprises in China has had great success. With the course of Chinese economy, they have undergone earth-shaking changes both in quantity and the scale. There is no doubt that small and medium-sized enterprises has made important and outstanding contribution to improving national economic and social development of productive forces, the progress of science and technology, promoting the building of a harmonious society . However, the small and medium-sized enterprises still face with the most prominent problem of which is the shortage of the core competitive ability. This paper proceeds with characteristics of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, deeply analyzes the problems faced with their core competitive ability. According to the requirements of the internal development of enterprise and combining with the external environment of national macro level, we provide universal meaning solving measures for promoting the core competitive ability of small and medium-sized enterprises, aiming at offering some reference available for the their development in China. Key Words:Small and medium-sized enterprise, Core competitive ability , Promote, Human resources 引言 我国中小企业在推动经济发展,科技进步,促进就业等方面做出了巨大的贡献,中小企业的取得了巨大的发


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