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动物饲料的酸化 Acidification of animal feeds 有关乳猪断奶和养殖盈利的一般原则… General thoughts surrounding weaning and profitable pig production… 断奶期… 养猪业中最为关键的时期 Weaning … the most critical stage of pork production + 500 g 离开母猪 = + 1.0 kg 出售 。+ 500 g leaving the nursery = + 1.0 kg at market time 饲料的根本改变 Radical dietary change 从温暖液体母乳 … 变为干冷的饲料和冷水。From warm fluid milk … to cold dry feed cold water 不再有被动的抗体保护。Loss of passive antibody protection 高度的紧张 High stress 身体上,换了新环境 … 甚至几公里之外Physical relocation … up to several kilometers 新的 (更激烈的)竟争 New (and higher) level of competition 为什么要把饲料酸化? Why Dietary Acidification? 适应断奶后消化道系统的酸性环境Support the GI acidification system post- weaning 酶的激活Enzyme activation 防止细菌的生长和繁殖Inhibit bacterial growth and propagation 减低尿液的pH值Reduce urine pH 要记住水也是一种饲料. 事实上,水是动物一天当中食量最大的一种成份. Remember water is also feed. In fact, it is the largest component of an animal’s daily intake 胃液酸化的重要性 Importance of Gastric Acidification 成为微生物进入猪肠的一道屏障。Barrier to microbial passage into the intestine 生命中最初几小时 … 胃酸还没有产生。First hours of life … no gastric acid production 允许初乳中的免疫球蛋白和细菌进入小肠。Allows passage of colostral immunoglobulins and bacteria into the small intestine 胃蛋白酶在 pH 3.5 (或更低) 条件下激活。Pepsin activation at pH 3.5 (or lower) in stomach 创造最佳条件,把蛋白质消化分解为多肽。Optimizes initial digestion of proteins to large peptides 肽酶激活 (胰腺和肠道) 需要把肠道的pH降到中性。Peptidase activation (pancreatic and intestinal) by lowering the intestinal pH to neutral 缓冲机制 Buffering Mechanisms 唾液 Saliva 分泌碳酸氢盐 (胃和肠道) Bicarbonate secretions (gastric and intestinal) 粘液 Mucus 饲料 Feed 蛋白质产品 (大豆粉,肉粉等) Protein products (soybean meal, meat meal, etc.) 碳水化合物 Carbohydrates 矿物质 (Ca, Mg, etc.) Minerals (Ca, Mg, etc.) 水 Water 采食的水:饲料比 = 3 : 1 Water-to-Feed Intake = 3 : 1 乳猪是胃酸不足的分界期 Piglets are Marginal to Deficient in Stomach Acid (Polivoda et al, 1973) 健康青年猪胃消化液的胃酸浓度 Concentration of Acids in Stomach Digesta of Healthy Young Pigs 断奶猪胃液pH值的时间变化趋势 (每个数值是15个数值的平均值; Thomlinson et al, 1981) Stomach pH values over


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