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The location of the Bermuda triangle Christopher Columbus AMERICAN DIET CULTURE Contents Starbuck Brief introduction Tyson Tyson Foods Inc. founded in 1935 with headquarters in Springdale, Arkansas. It is one of the world's largest processors and marketers of chicken, beef and pork, as well as prepared foods. The company provides products and services to customers throughout the United States and more than 90 countries. Tyson employs 115 000 Team Members at more than 400 facilities and offices in the U.S. and around the world. 2.Chinese Food in America NO.1 Fried Sweet and Sour Pork 糖醋里脊 NO.2 Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 NO.3 Spring Rolls 春卷 NO.4 Fried Rice with Egg 炒饭 NO.5 Ma Po Tou Fu 麻婆豆腐 NO.6 Dumplings 饺子 NO.7 Won Ton Soup 馄饨 NO.8 Peking Duck 烤鸭 NO.9 Chow Mein 炒面 NO.10 Fried Shrimps with Cashew nuts 腰果虾仁 Yao Restaurant & Bar 3. America Specialty Foods Baked Alaska Cobb Salad Buffalo Wings Turducken Texas Barbecue Pork Reuben Sandwich Philly Cheeseteak Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream S’mores Corn Dog Before the commonly eat staple (主要的)food to eat a plate of salad Lunch and Dinner Lunch and Dinner After eating Should pay special attention to point, if any leftovers, be sure to pack to bring home, lest waste. The world's largest freshwater lake Yao Restaurant & Bar is located in the United States of Houston, operated by Yao Ming's parents Yao Zhiyuan, Fang Fengdi and their friends. It opens on May 21st 2005. All pictures are download at ? /content/mei-guo-te-se-mei-shi-top10-da-pan-dian?page=0,0 Bacon, fried chicken, butter, egg, blue cheese Take a turkey(火鸡), stuffed chicken in the duck, then deep-fried 2-3 hours Bacon pieces, salad dressing , cheese Beef, Cheese, Onion Cut the dough into small pieces, mix in ice cream Graham cra


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