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课后综合练习 2015//17 名词 () 1 In a few____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees. A. year B. years C. years D. years (D) 2 Its about ___ walk from my house. A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes (C) 3 The post office is a bit far from here. Its about_____. A. thirty minutess walk B. thirty minutes walk C. thirty minutes walk D. thirty minutes walk (A) 4 Half___ telephone calls are made in English. A. the world B. world C. the worlds D. worlds 形容词副词 1. The air in Beijing is getting much ______ now than a few years ago. A. clean? B. cleaner? C. cleanest? D. the cleanest 2. A My cousin has changed a lot. She used to be ______ but now she is tall. A. short? B. thin? C. pretty?? D.heavy 3. B Mobile phones are very popular now and they are ______ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest? 4. B —We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town. —Why didn’t you stay at _____ one? A. a cheap B. a cheaper C. the cheap D. the cheaper 5.B —Do you like western food? — No. The food of our country is ______ that of western countries. A. rather good than B. much better than C. more better than D. not so good as? 不定代词 16. Have you any books on cooking? Id like to borrow ____ . A. it B. that C. this D. one 17. Have you got any apples? Yes, Ive got __A__ . A. a small B. some small C. two small ones D. two small 18. Is this your coat? No, mine is __B__. A. one blue B. a blue one 19. If you need money,Ill lend you __D__ . A. one B. it C. those D. some. +++20. Have you found the pen you lost yesterday ? A. one B. the one C. ones D. it 数词 9. 1). About____ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth 2). __D_ of the students are girls in our class. A. Two three B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three 3). _C__ of the worlds books and newspapers are written in Engl


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