
中学学籍管理系统 毕业论文.docx

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PAGE  第  PAGE 57 页  共  NUMPAGES 54 页 中学学籍管理系统 摘 要 [内容提要] 本信息管理系统是瑞昌市第四中学的学籍管理系统,是运用Ms Visual Foxpro6.0编写而成的。通过对此学籍管理系统的整个开发过程的研制与应用,来进一步提高整个学校的学籍管理水平,为其管理带来了一定的方便。 本论文以瑞昌市第四中学的学籍管理系统为背景,论述了信息系统开发的基本原理,结构,方法和过程。本文详细阐述了系统分析、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、系统实现以及系统维护等软件开发过程。力求将所学到的知识在信息系统开发中得以全面的应用,并使系统在实际的操作中能按照设计的要求安全有效正确的运行。 本系统的用户界面十分简洁、实用,系统编制过程中充分考虑了计算机的优越性,对于不是计算机专业的人员来说,只要阅读了操作说明书,也可以很方便的进入系统和使用本系统提供的功能。 [关 键 词] 学籍 信息处理 信息开发 Abstract The infermation management system is a student information management system for the No.4 middle school, which is programmed with Ms Visual Foxpro6.0. The purpose of researching and developing the system is to improve the management level in student information.and the application of the system will facilitate the management in some extend. The article take the No.4 middle school student information management system as the background.It expounds the basic priciple ,structure,method and course of information system development.The article details the process of developing software such as demand analysis,outline design,details design,system reality ,system maintenance and so on. I try my best to apply the knowledge that I have learned to the system development in all round,and make the system run effectually and in security in practice according the design. The feature of the system is simple and utility user interface In the course of the development I have considered the goodness of computer, for the noncomputer special people,he can enter the system and use the functions which the system have offered in convenience as long as he have read the specification Keyword: student infermation management infermation processing infermation development 引 言 江西省瑞昌市第四中学是一所创办于1999年的九年义务制公办初级中学,地处瑞昌市人民北路,占地面积近40亩,校舍建筑面积9000多平方米。六年来,学校规模迅速发展壮大。现有48个教学班,在校生3000余人。教职工136人,其中男教师83人,女教师53人,平均年龄36岁。师资力量雄厚,有本科文凭65人,专科文凭71人,教师学历达标率100%;高级职称24人,中级职称78人,初级职称33人,职员1人。其中九江市学科带头人3人,骨干教师6人,瑞昌市学科带头人2人,教学能手17人。瑞昌市初中各学科中心教研组成员占三分之一。办学条件日趋完善,建有微机室、


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