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河南省城乡失业保险的推行情况调查研究 摘 要 失业保险制度属于社会保障制度,是社会保障制度的一个重要组成部分,同时它是市场经济条件下的产物、是在市场经济体制下形成的,主要功能是保障下岗失业人员的基本生活,维护社会的稳定和促进经济的健康有序发展,随着我省经济体制改革进程的加快,在新的形势下,其作用愈发显得重要,为此政府及各界做出了很大探索和努力,以保障更多的失业者的基本生活,我省失业保险制度也因此得到了很大完善,更多的失业者的基本生活得到了保障。因此本文探讨了失业保险制度的作用,影响我省失业保险推行的因素,失业保障制度与中原崛起的联系,以及我省失业保险的推行情况的调查研究及自己对推行情况的建议。希望我省更多人民因为失业保险而受益,同时本文能够为失业保险的推行提供一定的参考。[9] 【关键词】 :失业保险; 社会保障; 市场经济; 研究及建议 【Abstract】:The unemployment insurance system belongs to the social security system, is an important part of social security system, at the same time, it is a product under the condition of market economy is formed under market economic system, The main function is to guarantee the basic life of laid-off and unemployed workers, maintain social stability and promote the healthy and orderly development of economy, with the accelerated process of economic system reform in our province, In the new situation, its role is increasingly important, so the government and all circles have made great efforts to explore and, in order to ensure the basic life of the unemployed more, The unemployment insurance system of our province also has been greatly improved, security has been the basic life more unemployed. This paper discusses the role of the unemployment insurance system, the influence factors of the implementation of our province unemployment insurance, The unemployment security system and the rise of central China ties, and the investigation and Research on the unemployment insurance in our province and their suggestions on the implementation of the. I hope my province more people benefit because the unemployment insurance, at the same time, this paper can provide some reference for the implementation of unemployment insurance. [9] 引 言 建立失业保险制度是由于失业现象的存在,市场经济条件下失业现象的存在与日益严峻形势是失业保险产生并得到发展的根本原因,失业保险的建立不仅以失业现象的客观存在为前提,而且以尽量减轻失业带给劳动者的不良影响并且有利于促进就业,保障社会稳定为目的。失业保险是国家和社会为那些暂时性失去职业、而且又没有其它收入来源的职工提供的基本生活保障,并通过职业咨询、职业培训、职业介绍等方式帮助他们实现再就业的一种社会救助制度。失业保险制度,是由国家法律确立的一种社会保障制度,是经济体制的组成部分之一。在新的社会形势下,其作用显得越来越重要,为此政府



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