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新视野大学英语辅导材料一 Unit 1 Part I II.Complete eaeh f the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets. 1. (eager) We knew by the boy’ to start that they were looking forward to an exciting ho1iday 2. (frusate)by his father in regard to his wish t0 become a doctor made the young man very unhappy. 3. (correct) He slept in class,so he answered te teacher’s question . 4. (communicate) Speech and writing are man’s most imptant methods of . 5. (fet) We went to a beautiful town and spent an day. 6. (wonder) What a party it has been! I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. 7. (continue) Language is a 1iving and changing thing. 8. (1ike)This book is quite anything I’ve ever read before 9. (active) He has many that take up his time when he’s not working. 10. (instruct) When the visitor entered the classroom,the pupils were beingin drawing. V. A. There are four pairs words below that are easy to use incorrectly. Fill in the blanks in Column A with these words with the help of the corresponding meanings given in column B. require request eager anxious continual continuous opportunity chance A B 1. ( ) ask sb.in a p1ite way to do sth. ( )demand that you must do sth. 2. ( ) worried or afraid ( ) fu of interest or desire 3. ( ) Continuing without stop ( ) repeated,ffequent (ofte annoying or undesirable actions) 4( ) a fortunate or lucky time when y can do sth. ( ) a suitable time to do sB. Fill in the sentences with the proper form 0f these words. 1. She was tired of the noise of the clock while she was trying to sleep. 2. plays a big part in many board games. 3. Now she was back,and she wasto see her friends. 4. We were in Pris for two days,s we took the of visiting the Louvre. 5. Visitors are kindly not to touch the paintings when they are in the art museum. 6. She is to


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