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Will you use these emoticons in your text messages? Group Work the higher the score is the more difficult the question may be Can you divide the text into two parts? ipad 已经成为中学生的新宠,不仅可以听音乐,阅读电子文书,而且还可以玩电子游戏。假如你是四川某高中学生李华,请你用英语给英语报社Teens写一封信,谈谈你对自己周围同学使用ipad 的情况的看法。信的内容必须包括以下几点: 1.使用它对学习的好处; 2.对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响; 3.提出自己的建议。 Dear editor, Im a senior high school student in Sichuan,named Li Hua. Now many students have ipads and think it is a fashion to use them.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua * Cultural Corner Module 6 Background Information 马丁·库珀是手机发明者之一、 是一位手机设计师, 世界公认的第一部手机缔造者, 具有“手机之父”的称号, 曾获得2009年西班牙 阿斯图里亚斯王子科学技术 研究奖。 Marty Cooper(American) What can we use a mobile phone for? 1 Listen to music. 2 search for information 3 chat on line 4 play games 5 watch movies 6 send text messages 7 take photos shorten vt. 缩短 sideways adv. 横着地,斜着地 vowel n. 元音 text message 短信息 inverted commas 引号 emoticon 表情符号 emotion+icons Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Why do people use text messages and emoticons? 2. Do mobile phone users in China send text message and use emoticons? Scanning 1. Why do people use text messages and emoticons? Text messages are cheaper. Yes. 2. Do mobile phone users in China send text message and use emoticons? Why nt


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