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從台灣日據時期影片探討其數位影像典藏之價值 「片格轉動間的台灣—館藏日據時代電影資料整理及數位化計劃」 周怡卿 崑山科技大學視覺傳達設計研究所 Graduate School of Visual Communication Design, Kun Shan University 摘要Abstract 計劃起源於2003年,台灣收藏家預備賣出批珍貴影片其價值難以估計,連日本電視台都有意收購,台灣歷史博物館籌備處行政院文化建設委員會,最終,得以將影片留在台灣。國立台南藝術大學音像藝術學院院長井迎瑞教授從2005年至今,學生經過專業的訓練後開始進行修復數位化結果呈現在網路上,在台灣歷史博物館中建立影音資料庫透過國內外專家研討原件的保存方式與技術,期能建立完整的收藏設備。透過過程,發現國內影片修復等科系與課程,專業技術人才,影片內容豐富,其數位典藏可編列成為最真實有效的歷史教材,後續所帶來的教育價值不可限量,相信能使台灣下一代認識「日據時」的文化及風貌。因此,期透過無遠弗屆的網路,使社會重視歷史重現與文化保存的價值,並透過教育資源的整合運用來實現數位典藏之實質功能。 The origin of this project can be traced back to 2003 when a Taiwanese collector intended to sell some films made during the Japanese colonial period (1895-1945). As the film were of tremendous historical significance, many parties, including a major Japanese television, showed a strong interest in purchasing them. The films were able to remain in Taiwan through the joint effort of the National Museum of Taiwanese History and the Cultural Affairs Council. The project of restoring the films commenced in 2005 under the direction of Professor Jing Yingruei at the School of Sound and Image Recording of the National Taiwan University of Fine Arts. His student Team, after some professional training, began restoring and digitizing the films, and eventually presented the result of their work over the Internet. The team also helped the National Museum of Taiwanese History in establishing an audio-visual date bank. Through the assistance of domes tic and foreign experts in the preservation techniques of original documents, the National Taiwan University of Fine Arts attempted to establish a more complete archival facility. During the on-going process of film restoration, it has been found that Taiwan is in urgent need of professional programs in film restoration education. Nevertheless, the situation is constantly improving with more films being restored and believed to be most effective history teaching materials and to bring invaluable educational experiences to the public. Finally,


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