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中华人民共和国 驻芝加哥总领事馆 1、赴美留学人数每年保持20% 以上的增长势头。 美国国际教育研究所(Institute of International Education) 2013年门户开放报告指出,在美国的国际学生总数达到819,644人,其中中国学生以235,000人高居榜首,年增率达21%,其中增幅最大者为就读大学本科的部分,高达26%。这一年中美国增加了55,000名国际学生,中国足足贡献了41,000名。2014年,芝加哥领区中国留学生总数约60,000人 2、赴美留学人员成为领保案件主体。 2014年,芝加哥领区接领事通报212份,其中涉学生通报108份,占比51%。2015年以来,芝加哥领区接领事通报58份,其中涉学生通报32份,主要涉交通违章和家庭暴力。 被捕主要原因:(1)酒后驾驶 Drunk Driving/OWI/DUI(2)无证或持吊销驾照驾驶 Driving without License/with License Suspended(3)斗殴 (5)家庭暴力Domestic Battery/ Assault/Violence(4)持有被控物质 Possession of Controlled Sustance(5)法院拘捕令Bench Warrant(contempt of court藐视法庭)(6)信用卡盗刷 Financial Card Transaction Theft 二、注意用卡安全,避免给自己财产造成不必要的损失。 1、不对外泄露信用卡和个人身份信息,不将信用卡借给他人使用。 2、刷卡交易时注意保存票据,网上用卡交易时请选择有知名度的可靠网站。 3、关注个人信用卡账户动态,如发现可疑交易,请及时联系发卡机构核实处理,避免造成个人财产损失。 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence, can be broadly defined a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation. Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse(e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation. The penalties for domestic violence also vary depending largely upon the type of offense, the harm inflicted, criminal history of the accused, and the age of the victim. The penalties may include: (1) Community service (2) Fines (3) Jail (4) Deportation for aliens, etc. Menacing Menacing is the criminal charge that arises if you knowingly place someone in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. In other words, you try to make someone believe they are going to get seriously hurt right now – not at some future date. The difference between misdemeanor and felony menacing comes down to whether a weapon was involved. It is a misdemeanor if there is no weapon, and a felony if there is one. Even if the weapon involved is


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