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基于机器视觉的非接触尺寸测量技术研究 摘要 伴随着科学的快速腾飞,以机器视觉为基础的非接触性尺寸测量发法在工业领域里实现了十分普遍的运用用,该方法非接触、时效性强、效率高、受外界影响小,并且精确性特别好。机械零件的尺寸测量在工业生产的过程里属于十分重要的部分,测定结果的迅速程度和可信度直接关系到产品的效果以及工作的进度。但是先前的测量技术早就无法达到工业生产中对产品规格检测的迅速程度和可信度的规定,因此作者提出了以机器视觉为基础的非接触尺寸测定的方法,从而达到产品规格的快速及准确的测定。 首先,通过研究各个硬件的性能参数,选择了合适的硬件,并搭建了测量系统的硬件平台。测系统的图像实验、CCD、镜头、和等。 ,灰度、图像滤波、二值化、边缘等预处理。预处理,了滤波,小波的模极大值去噪,了的图边缘,小波的多尺度边缘。Hough方式,同时还给出了自己的优化建议。Matlab里所带有的GUIDE界面编辑GUI为基础构造出该检测系统的软件,图的。 ,对系统,数据了测的误差,误差的。结果,机器视觉的非接触尺寸测的工业关键词:机器视觉非接触测尺寸测图像处理 Non-contact dimensional measurement based on machine vision technology research ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology,Non-contact dimensional measurement based on machine vision technology research has been very widely used in industrial production, with the character of non-contact, real-time, rapid, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The dimensional measurement of mechanical parts is an important part of industrial production, the speed and accuracy of their test results have a direct impact on the production quality and production efficiency. But the traditional measurement methods cannot meet the requirements of mechanical parts dimensional measurement with high accuracy and speed in modern industrial production, so this paper proposes a non-contact dimensional measurement system based on machine vision, to achieve accurate and speed measurement. Firstly, to study the various hardware performance parameters and build a hardware system. According to the needs of the subject to select the right hardware, and build a measurement system hardware platform. The hardware part of the measurement system is mainly composed of test bench, CCD camera, the lens, acquisition card and computer. Secondly, the measurement system uses the gray transform, image filtering, binarization, edge detection in the image pre-processing technique. In the image pre-processing, analysis and comparison of several different smoothing effect, proposed a modulus maximade-noising algorith


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