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题目 对铜绿微囊藻生长和光合活性响 铜 山 中 学 高 一 生 物 组 作者 魏 海 慧 低温低光对铜绿微囊藻生长和光合活性的影响 摘要 运用正交实验设计方法研究了低温低光联合作用对铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905,以下简称905)生长与光合活性的影响。采用植物效率分析仪(Water-PAM)测定了905细胞的光合活性,并通过回复培养验证了其光合作用回复的能力。实验结果表明:相对于正常培养条件,低温低光对M. aeruginosa的生长均有不同程度的抑制作用,在9 ℃各处理组中,M. aeruginosa基本无法生长,因此可推测905生长的温度阈值应高于9 ℃。在12 ℃各处理组中,光强为影响905细胞生长的主要因子,12 ℃、2 μE/m2s能促进其初期的生长,据此推测这一条件可能为微囊藻复苏的起始条件。15 ℃各处理组中, 905细胞在“微光”(2 μE/m2s)处理组中电子传递速率及最大光量子产量高于“低光”(10 μE/m2s)处理组,显示出相对于“低光”条件,铜绿微囊藻对“微光”的适应性更强。而回复培养的数据显示,9 ℃,12 ℃处理组样品在5d内能迅速恢复其生长与光合活性,并最终与15 ℃处理组样品同样,稳定生长。研究结果对解释铜绿微囊藻对湖泊底泥中越冬环境条件的耐受阈值及复苏的起始条件有重要意义。 关键词:联合 铜绿微囊藻 阈值 回复 The effects of low temperature -low light on the growth and Photosynthetic activity of Microcystis aeruginosa Abstract The responses of growth and PS II activities in Microcystis aeruginosa (FACHB 905) has been studied under a condition of low light-temperature combination use orthogonal experiment method. The PS II activities were assayed with a Water-PAM, and also, the photosynthesis of M. aeruginosa was verified via reculture under a normal condition. The results showed that recruitment of M. aeruginosa should not be triggered since it could hardly grow under the temperature of 9 ℃. Under 12 ℃, the growth were greatly affected by the light intensity. 12 ℃ 2 μE/m2s combination was considered to be the threshold value to induce recruitment of Microcystis due to the physiological responses in growth and photosynthetic system. We also found FACHB 905 could persist longer under low light intensity (2 μE/m2s) than a relative higher intensity (10 μE/m2s) under 15 ℃, since the chlorophyll content, electron transfer rate and yield were relative higher in combination. Reculture of M. aeruginosa was conducted after a-20d-study finished, samples under the temperatures of 9 ℃ 12 ℃ recovered soon in growth characters and PSII activities during 5 days, and reached a rather stable growing status like other normal cultured samples final


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