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Why RTOS? Learn RTOS: Fill the gap between Computer Science Experts and Application Engineers Understanding Computer more theoretically Using RTOS: Simplify the Application Programming Higher the Real Time Performance and Reliability Real Time Kernel Commercial RTOS Products Why Open Source? Free RTOS Kernel Source Code μC/OS (V1.08) vs. μC/OS-II(V2.00) 266 page to 498 pages μC/OS-II (V2.00 1998) vs. μC/OS-II(V2.52 2002) Embedded Real Time System Concept Advantage/Disadvantage of Using RTOS μC/OS Already Widely Used in Many Fields Free RTOS Kernel Source Code Ported Examples down load able from web Learn RTOS with μC/OS-II Porting Using μC/OS-II GNU gcc in Linux uCLinux in Linux Free RTOS: RTEMS How to Develop an Application Program Base on a RTOS? TCP/IP Developing Examples Open Resources Example 68HC08GP32 Based Lean Server 68HC08GP32 Based Lean Server ColdFire Platform for RTOS Learning Future of Embedded RTOS Summery Thanks 32 bits MCU ColdFire 5307: 68K in RISK , non MMU for Embedded 90MHz 75MIPs Interface with: Ethernet RTL8019 2M Flash, 16M SDRAM Developed with GNU gcc in Linux Boot uClinux or μC/OS-II from Flash to RAM TCP/IP stack available Embedded Control Systems Project for Ph.D. Student 实时操作系统VxWorks VxWorks操作系统是美国WindRiver公司于1983年设计开发的一种嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS),是Tornado 嵌入式开发环境的关键组成部分。良好的持续发展能力、高性能的内核以及友好的用户开发环境,在嵌入式实时操作系统领域逐渐占据一席之地。首先,它十分灵活,具有多达1800个功能强大的应用程序接口(API);其次,它适用方面广,可以适用于从最简单到最复杂的产品设计;再次,它可靠性高,可以用于从防抱死刹车系统到星际探索的关键任务;最后,适用性强,可以用于所有的流行的CPU平台。 Vxworks是一个高性能的,支持广泛的网络通信协议的, 并可根据用户需求进行组合的实时操作系统, 它的开放式结构和对工业标准的支持使开发者只需要做最少的工作即可设计有效的符合用户要求的实时操作系统. 实时操作系统VxWorks Provides VxWorks with primary interface to hardware environment. BSP Responsibilities: Hardware initialization on power-up. Support for VxWorks access to hardware drivers. Integration of hardware-dependent and hardware-independent software in VxWorks. BSP Black Box 实时操作系统 Nucleus Nucleus是美国著名厂商ATI公司的RTOS产品。它提供实时内核(Nucleus PLUS),网络模块(Nucleus NET、Nucleus EPI


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