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上海交通大学本科毕业论文 呼叫中心CRM系统的设计与开发 学 生:张慧 学 号:707111020004 专 业:计算机科学与技术(信息安全) 呼叫中心CRM系统的设计与开发 摘 要 客户关系管理(CRM)系统可以泛指企业获得和维持可带来业务收益的用户群的各种技术平台。随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业迫切需要这样的技术平台,从而以更好的服务和支持(而不仅仅是产品特色)来赢得忠实的用户。因此,当CRM的概念被正式提出来以后,各类不同性质不同侧重点的解决方案都被冠以CRM的名头企业陷入迷惘当中在现代商务中,客户关系管理经常是从发展和管理与客户的沟通交流及各种关系开始的。在全球大多数国家普遍采用的处理这方面要求的技术平台就是呼叫中心(CALL CENTER)。 关键词:CRM,呼叫中心,呼叫中心CRM系统 THE DESIGN AND DEVLOPMENT OF THE CRM SYSTEM FOR CALL CENTER ABSTRACT With the sustaining development of the modernization of the market, the performance management is becoming more important. How shall we link the strategy with the performance management efficiently? Well, the Balanced Score Card is the key to the question. BSC includes both strategy and human resource. BSC associates performance management of the enterprise. Generally speaking, the strategies are always set down from 4 sides: Financial, Customers, Internal business process, learning and growth. Within each strategy, there are one or more indexes that can be measured. What’s more, each index has its goal. BSC is always put together with the floating salary. A scheme for action is needed to each key goal. And the strategy for the enterprise will be separated while it comes to the departments or even to the employees. It is a widely-concerned problem for the companies to set up a scientific and efficient performance management system. As to the fire and electric plant, it’s the same point. The problem is the premise of all the performance of an enterprise. And the process of establishing such system in fire an electric plant should be carried into execution step by step. It needs lots of energy, time and the support from both the leaders and the employees. This system integrates BSC with KPI. It enables the users to measure the performance of the plant, the department and the staff from both the achievements of the plant and the development of the staff. It provides the users to settle th


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