本科毕业论文-on harmonious relationship between teachers and students in english teaching 浅论英语教学中师生的和谐关系.doc
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本科毕业论文-on harmonious relationship between teachers and students in english teaching 浅论英语教学中师生的和谐关系
On Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students in English Teaching
Ⅰ.Introduction……………………………………………… …………. ……....1
A. Traditional viewpoint about TSR in China……………………….…….……...1
B. Problems of the current TSR…………………………………………...............2
Ⅱ. Foundation and definition of harmonious TSR……………………………....3
A. Foundation of harmonious TSR………………………………………………..3
B. Definition of harmonious TSR……………………………………………........5
Ⅲ. Functions of Harmonious TSR in English teaching .………………….…..….5
A. To eliminate the psychological barrier between teachers and students……..….6
B. To mobilize the learning enthusiasm of students………..……………………...7
C. To optimize English environment on campus…......………………………..…..8
D. To promote teachers’ and students’ healthy development……………………...8
E. To establish a harmonious affection relationship…………………….................9
Ⅳ. Factors affecting the harmonious TSR………………………........…...….9
Ⅴ. Ways of building the harmonious TSR厖厖厖厖厖厖.?0…......
A. Trusting fully students…………………………………………….. …...…….10
B. Caring and loving students………… …………………………….. ................11
C. Reserving space and time for students………… ………………………….....11
D. Encouraging and infecting students by teachers’ humor sense and charming..12
Ⅵ. Conclusion………………………………………………………………12
Notes… …………………………………………………..........................14
Bibliography… …………………………………………………………..15
Integrity Undertaking ………………………………………………….…16
Nowadays, with the development of society and the educational reform, people’s ideas about English teaching have had great changes. People are attaching more and more importance to Teachers-Students Relationship (TSR for short). In building a harmonious society, education is bound to pursue the harmony between education and society, education and nature, and teachers and students.
The harmony between teachers and students plays a very important role in English teaching
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