14教硕 英语教学设计之前提.ppt

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We need to give a variety of tasks that help students learn in different ways. Of course, in a one hour lesson, it is perhaps impossible to please everybody all the time but we can try and stimulate as much as possible. (Wang Qiang, 2006:264) In any classroom, mismatches exist between teachers' teaching style and learners' learning styles. However, teachers need to be aware of their learners' different learning styles and make an effort in teaching to meet the needs of different learners. Some advice for teachers in meeting the needs of learning styles (adapted from Cheng and Banya, 1998, cited in Wang Qiang, 2006:265) Teachers have to be aware of the students‘ learning styles as well as their own learning/teaching styles. In teaching, teachers should try to use different techniques and ways of teaching to meet the needs of students' different learning styles. Teachers have the responsibility to provide multiple opportunities for their students to develop/expand different learning styles. Teachers need to take risks to integrate more teaching styles into their class preparation even though they may not feel entirely comfortable using them. Teachers should also encourage their students to try different ways of learning and adjust themselves to different learning styles, because certain learning styles are more appropriate in certain leaning situations and for some special learning purposes. learning with words/sym-bols learning by observing learning by doing learning by doing learning by observing learning with words/sym-bols 直接经验 替代性经验 符号性经验 D. 前苏联心理学家维果斯基(L. S. Vygotsky)的“最近发展区”理论Vygotsky's "Zone of Proximal Development" (ZPD)Theory 儿童的现有水平和即将达到的发展水平之间的差异,就是最近发展区。 教学应适应最近发展区,从而走在发展的前面,并最终跨越最近发展区而达到新的发展水平。 学生心理发展的教育蕴涵 Pedagogical Implications 关于学习准备(readiness for learning) :学习准备是指学生原有的知识水平或心理发展水平对新的学习的适应性,即学生在学习新知识时促进或妨碍学习的个人生理、心理发展的水平和特点。 关于关键期(the critical period):关键期是个体早期生命中一个比较短暂的时期,在此期间,个体对某种刺激特别敏感;过了这一时期,同样的刺激对其影响很小或没有影响。 关于认知发展与教学的关系:认知发展制


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