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英译汉B 2、He didnt need to attend the meeting. 答案: 他没必要参加那个会议。 8、He prefers coffee to tea. 答案: 与茶相比,他更喜欢咖啡。 19、I slept soundly all night. 答案: 我整夜睡得很熟。 26、Would you mind closing the window for me? 答案: 能帮我关一下窗户吗? 29、I hope we can have some snow this winter. 答案: 我希望今年冬天会下点雪。 32、I feel lonely without you. 答案: 没有你我感到孤独。 33、I feel satisfied with my life. 答案: 我对生活感到满意。 35、Whos going to answer the door? 答案: 谁去开门? 45、He was very happy to hear from his old friend. 答案: 他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信。 46、He has a foreign friend who lives in America. 答案: 他有一个住在美国的外国朋友。 47、Trees need water to grow. 答案: 树木有水才能生长。 48、The doctor told me to have more water. 答案: 医生让我多喝些水。 49、I have a pain in my back. 答案: 我的背疼。 50、We are from mainland China. 答案: 我们来自中国大陆。 51、It is not necessary to do this work. 答案: 没有必要做这项工作。 52、They are ordinary people, but did a great job. 答案: 他们是普通人,却干了一件大事。 53、Do you think students should do a part-time job? 答案: 你认为学生应该业余打工吗? 54、This custom has a long tradition. 答案: 这一风俗历史悠久。 55、How long will it take us to get there? 答案: 我们到那儿要用多长时间? 56、Dont you think smoking is harmful to your health? 答案: 你不认为抽烟对你的身体有害吗? 57、Not all Americans are interested in sports, of course. 答案: 当然,并非所有美国人都对运动赶兴趣。 58、I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life. 答案: 我想这幅图是告诉我们水果对生活是不可缺的。 59、You can buy water inside. 答案: 你可以在里面买水喝。 60、Jenny is fond of reading and often borrows books from the city library. 答案: 珍妮喜爱读书,经常从市图书馆借回许多书。 61、She looks lovely when she is happy. 答案: 她高兴的时候看起来很可爱。 62、Okay, and I need a pen to fill out the address. 答案: 好,我还得借一支笔来填写地址。 63、Ive been so busy lately,I havent had time to call anybody. 答案: 我最近一直很忙,所以没时间打电话给任何人。 64、Yeah, but they play the same songs over and over again. 答案: 没错,但他们总重复播放同一首歌。 65、I think the picture shows us how fruits is necessary to life. 答案: 我想这幅图是告诉我们水果是生活中不可缺的。 66、I dont want to spend five dollars on a cup of water. 答案: 我不想花五美元买一瓶水。 6



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