Global-warming Low-carbon Economy英语演讲稿.doc

Global-warming Low-carbon Economy英语演讲稿.doc

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Global-warming Low-carbon Economy英语演讲稿

Global-warming Low-carbon Economy Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Yao Jin, it’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. What I’m going to talk about today is Global-warming and Low-carbon Economy. Recently, the reports on Japan Earthquake can be seen everywhere. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 9.0, was the largest in the recorded history of Japan, and the 5th largest on record in world history. The Japan earthquake had a depth of 15.2 meters, the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, by comparison, had a magnitude of 7.0, and occurred at a depth of only about 8.1 meters. The February 2010 Chile earthquake, which registered a similar magnitude as the Japan quake, 8.8, took place 22 meters below the earth surface, off the coast of the south American nation. Some geologists explained that global-warming directly led to ice caps, which will release the pent-up pressure in the crust and cause extreme geological accidents, including earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Therefore, stopping global-warming is imperative in modern times. Although the global climate chapter has been closed in Copenhagen at the end of the year before last, global-warming is still the hot topic today. When strong crust movement attacks nations frequently. When glaciers melting picks up speed, when rare species are confronted with extinction seriously, how can we still wait for the end of the world? In the face of disaster, we are all shocked. But besides shock, what should we do to fight against the global-warming? Undoubtedly, low-carbon economy is an effective way we must take. For government, a large number of measures can be taken to save our climate crisis. For instance, factories polluted heavily should be prohibited and strict national policies should be formulated to enforce our goal of cutting down greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the development of low-carbon technology should be advocated. For individual, we have so many alternatives! Can we turn off


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