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LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 32 稳定化的政策Stabilization policy def: 旨在减少短期经济波动剧烈性的行 为 插入: 为什么要减少波动呢? 例如: 使用货币政策来抵消不利的攻击 冲击 LECTURE 9 Stabilizing output with monetary policy Y slide 33 P AD1 B P2 P1 SRAS2 SRAS1 A Y2 LRAS Y daiguang@njue 不利的供给 冲击使经济 移向点 B. LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 34 Stabilizing output with monetary policy P P2 P1 C A B Y2 LRAS Y SRAS2 AD2 AD1 Y 央行提高总 需求. results: P 永久的上 升,但Y 保持 在充分就业的 水平上 LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 37 Chapter summary 1. Long run: prices are flexible, output and employment are always at their natural rates, and the classical theory applies. Short run: prices are sticky, shocks can push output and employment away from their natural rates. 2. Aggregate demand and supply: a framework to analyze economic fluctuations LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 38 Chapter summary 3. The aggregate demand curve slopes downward. 4. The long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical, because output depends on technology and factor supplies, but not prices. 5. The short-run aggregate supply curve is horizontal, because prices are sticky at predetermined levels. LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 39 Chapter summary 6. Shocks to aggregate demand and supply cause fluctuations in GDP and employment in the short run. 7. The people’s bank can attempt to stabilize the economy with monetary policy. LECTURE NINE Introduction to Economic Fluctuations Intermediate macroeconomics Dai Guang 2005 Spring Department of Economics Nanjing University of Finance Economics LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 2 Review:长期里的经济(古典二分法) 货币需求 价格水平 通货膨胀 名义利率 货币供给 真实利率 小型开放经 利率可以调整 Y = F(K,L),L? S= Y - C(Y ? T) ? G NX(ε) = S ? I(r*) 济利率给定 真实汇率调整 使得商品流动 和资本流动保 持均衡 封闭经济的均衡 真实利率的调 整使得物品市 场和可贷资金 市场达到均衡 LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 3 Chapter objectives 短期和长期的区别 总需求简介 长期和短期的总供给 LECTURE 9 daiguang@njue slide 4 Time horizons 长期Long run: 价格具有伸缩性,能够对供给


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