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Spin Entanglement of non-interacting multiple particles:Green’s function method * One- and two-dimensional Anderson model with long- range correlated-disorder 一维和二维关联无序安德森模型 One- and two-dimensional Anderson model with long- range correlated-disorder Anderson model-Introduction Entanglement in 1D 2D Entanglement 2D conductance 2D transmission 2D magnetoconductance Anderson model-Introduction What is a disordered system? No long-range translational order Types of disorder (a)crystal (b) Component disorder (c) position disorder (d) topological disorder diagonal disorder off-diagonal disorder complete disorder Localization prediction:an electron, when placed in a strong disordered lattice, will be immobile [1] P.W.Anderson, Phys.Rev.109 ,1492(1958). Anderson model-Introduction By P.W.Anderson in 1958[1] Anderson model-Introduction In 1983 and 1984 John extended the localization concept successfully to the classical waves, such as elastic wave and optical wave [1]. Following the previous experimental work ,Tal Schwartz et al. realized the Anderson localization with disordered two-dimensional photonic lattices[2]. [1]John S,Sompolinsky H and Stephen M J 1983 Phys.Rev.B27 5592; John S and Stephen M J 1983 28 6358; John S 1984 Phys.Rev.Lett. 53 2169 [2]Schwartz Tal, Bartal Guy, Fishman Shmuel and Segev Mordechai 2007 Nature 446 52 Anderson model-open problems Abrahans et al.’s scaling theory for localization in 1979[1]( 3000 citations ,one of the most important papers in condensed matter physics) Predictions(1)no metal-insulator transition in 2d disordered systems Supported by experiments in early 1980s. (2) (dephasing time ) Results of J.J.Lin in 1987[2] [1] E.Abrahans,P.W.Anderson, D.C.Licciardello and T.V. Ramakrisbnan, Phys.Rev.Lett. 42 ,673(1979) [2] J.J. Lin and N. Giorano, Phys. Rev. B 35, 1071 (1987); J.J. Lin and J.P. Bird, J.


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