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Chapter 3 Electrochemistry 电化学 Electrochemistry deals with chemical changes produced by an electric current and with the production of electricity by chemical changes. The applications involve in battery, electrolysis, electrorefining of metals. 电化学是研究化学能与电能转换的学科,其主要应用有电池、电解、金属的电化学加工等。 Terms Used in Electrochemistry(1) 电化学术语(1) Oxidize 氧化; reduce 还原; electric current电流; oxidizing agent 氧化剂; reducing agent 还原剂; oxidation number 氧化数; zinc plate 锌板; copper strip 铜板 redox 氧化还原; do work 作功; galvanic cell 原电池; electrode 电极; cathode 阳极; anode 阴极; salt bridge 盐桥; Terms Used in Electrochemistry (2) 电化学专业词汇(2) potassium chloride 氯化钾; amperemeter 安培计; pointer 指针; zinc compartment锌半室; positive charge 正电荷; redox couple 电对; cell potential 原电池电动势; volt 伏特; voltmeter 伏特计; half-cell 半电池; inert electrode 惰性电极; platinum 铂; calomel electrode 甘汞电极; reference electrode 参比电极; Redox Reactions 氧化还原反应 Redox, the short name for oxidation-reduction, is one of 4 types of chemical reactions: 氧化还原反应的缩写为Redox, 是四种化学反应的一种。 ① combination 化合反应 ② decomposition 分解反应 ③ metathesis 复分解反应 ④ redox 氧化还原反应. E.g. Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) == ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g) Here, Zinc metal is reducing agent; sulfuric acid(H2SO4) is oxidizing agent金属锌作还原剂,硫酸作氧化剂. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂 1. Oxidizing Agent: 氧化剂 The species which causes oxidation is called the oxidizing agent. The substance which is oxidized loses electrons to the other. The oxidizing agent is always reduced. 氧化剂发生还原反应。 2. Reducing Agent: 还原剂 The species which causes reduction is called the reducing agent. The substance which is reduces gains electrons from the other. The Reducing agent is always oxidized. 还原剂发生氧化反应。 Common Reducing and Oxidizing Agents常见氧化剂和还原剂 The reduced species may be used as a reducing agent, e.g. Zinc metal, stannous chloride(SnCl2), iodine(I2), sodium thiosulfate(Na2S2O3). The oxidized species as an oxidizing agent, e.g. copper (Cu2+) ions, potassium permanganate(KMnO4), potassium d


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