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中草药面膜系列 1. 紧致活肤面贴膜 Firming and Activating Mask 【草本植物配方】 [Herbal Plant Formula] 产品说明:本品采用草本植物配方,由当归、枸杞、人参、山药、甘草等植物中提取精制而成,性质温和,气味清新,肤感清爽,可有效收紧面部肌肤,避免肌肤松弛、缺乏弹性等现象出现,预防面部细纹的产生。多种植物营养物质共同作用,可以充分补充肌肤细胞所需要的水分和营养,让皮肤细胞变得更加有活力,从而让面部肌肤更加具有光泽。使用时,肌肤感觉柔和舒适,使用之后肌肤变得白皙滋润、紧致而富有弹力,长期使用可令肌肤年轻健康、光彩照人。 Specification: It adopts herbal plant formula and is purified by the extracts of plants, such as Chinese angelica, medlar, ginseng, Chinese yam, licorice, etc. It is warm in nature, clear smell and feeling. It tightens effectively face skin, avoids muscle loose and lack of elasticity and prevents from fine wrinkles. The cooperation of various plant nutrients may supplement adequately the necessary water and nutrients to muscle cell and makes skin cells more energetic and face skin more lustrous. During using, the skin feels soft and comfortable and after using, the skin becomes white, moist, tight and rich of elasticity. Long-term use may make skin young, healthy and spiritual. 产品成分:当归、枸杞、人参、山药、甘草等。 Main Ingredients: Chinese angelica, medlar, ginseng, Chinese yam, licorice, etc. 2. 美白润肤面贴膜 Whitening and Moisturizing Facial mask [Herbal Plant Formula] 产品说明:本品采用草本植物配方,蕴含人参、当归、丹参等植物成份,有效成份能够充分清除肌肤表面及毛孔中的污垢,改变肌肤晦暗状况,让肌肤变得洁净清新。多种植物配方中的营养成分,能够滋润美白肌肤,从而彻底改善面部肌肤发暗发黄、没有光彩的现象,让肌肤变得润白而有光彩。使用时,淡淡的植物清香,使你感觉清雅舒适,使用后肌肤变得白皙嫩滑、柔和而自然,长期使用,可令肌肤白里透红、富有健康光彩。 Specification: It adopts herbal plant formula and is rich of ginseng, Chinese angelica, salvia miltiorrhiza, etc. The effective components of the product enable to clean thoroughly the dusts from skin surface and pores, relieve dark complexion and refresh skin. The nutrient components of the herbal plant formula can moisturize and whiten skin, which thoroughly improve the complexion and make skin moist, white and lustrous. During using, the light plant smell lets you feel fresh and comfortable, and after using, the skin becomes white, moist, tender and healthy. Long-term use may make you have a healthy complexion and look spiritual. 3. 晒后修护面贴膜 Sun



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