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【精彩图文】美国十大大众文化与传媒排行榜10. Parade Magazine’s What People Earn第十位.《展示》杂志收入排行榜 Parade What People Earn Parade’s annual “What People Earn” issue provides an in-depth, and often disturbing, look into how much money both ordinary and extraordinary people make. The publication profiles everyone from high school janitors to high income billionaires, and showcases capitalism at its very finest. 《展示》杂志(Parade Magazine)每年都公布一份收入排行榜,对普通百姓和杰出人士的收入状况进行深入地调查。调查对象从学校的门卫到家财万贯的亿万富翁,将资本主义的收入状况一览无余。 2010’s issue shows high profile celebrities such as Tiger Woods and Taylor Swift. It also profiles more down to earth lives such as that of Kathleen Garret of Kreamer, Pennsylvania who works 20 hours a week at a department store and earns a wage of $7.61 per hour. 2010年的排行榜披露了泰格·伍兹(Tiger Woods)和泰勒·斯威夫特(Tayler Swift)等备受瞩目的知名人士的收入状况。普通人的现实生活也受到了更多关注,比如凯思林·加里特(Kathleen Garret),美国宾夕法尼亚州克莱默人,在一家百货公司上班,每周工作20小时,每小时收入7.61美元。 This publication serves as a useful barometer of the economic forecast in real world terms; not stock options or 401Ks but the amount of money people earn. This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make. It satisfies the question that people have been wondering since the beginning of time: ‘how much do they get paid to do that?’ 这份排行榜可以在实际中作为预测经济的晴雨表,它反映的不是股票期权,也不是401K计划(美国的一种养老金制度),而是人们收入的多少。这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。它解答了人们从一开始就想知道的问题:你的收入是多少? 第九位.《风度》杂志百大性感女郎 Katy Perry 9. Maxim Magazine’s Hot 100 Maxim’s Hot 100 features one hundred of the hottest honeys clad in bikinis or otherwise revealing outfits, showing off their private-fitness-club sculpted bods. This may seem chauvinistic- because it is! Yet it is hard to dispute a magazine that has 2.5 million subscribers and dominates the men’s magazine category outselling GQ and Esquire, and you can bet that the male subscribers don’t read exclusively for the articles. The Hot 100 issue is the equivalent to Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit



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