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* Topic 5 Interpersonal Relationships 学习目标: 默写与人际关系相关的名词、动词、形容词和副词,并运用到完形填空 运用完形填空解题策略和技巧 二、单词分类学习 名词. Conner拐角处 Block街区 Information信息 collection 收集 change零钱 reply 回应 动词. Hand递过来 Send分发 Throw扔 Lend借 Inform告知 Notice注意Wait等待 frown 皱眉 形容词. Kindhearted善意的 Homeless无家可归的 Generous慷慨大方的 Familiar熟悉的 common共同的普遍的 special特殊的 regular有规则的Particular特别的 Honest诚实的 副词. Luckily幸运地 Helplessly无助地 Suddenly突然 课堂检测 A Californian woman divorced her husband because he played computer games at night and slept during the day, which affected her sleep greatly. Another was arrested after 1 her husband with a knife because of his snoring(打鼾). Both examples involve a serious but rarely discussed field for 2 :sleep disharmony. 1. A. providing B. presenting C. meeting D. hurting 1.D由句中的was arrested及with a knife可推出填hurting。hurt与knife是词语同现。 2. A. wives B. husbands C. families D. couples 2.D根据前面的两个例子及关键词sleep可推出填couples。 Research by the Sleep Council has found that half of us are regularly 3 about six times a night by our partners, 4 if they snore or fidget(动个不停). 3. A. eared B. hurt C. woken D. shaken 3.C根据句中的if they snore or fidget可推出填woken。woken与sleep是词语同现。 4. A. generally B. Particularly C. occasionally D. actually 4.B有句意可知这里需填表递进关系的副词(particularly), 故选B。 A psychologist says that it often results in relationship 5 . The problem is so great that more people seem to be taking single 6 . 5. A. disharmony B. disappearance C. agreement D. disagreement 5.A第一段最后一句中的sleep disharmony有提示。与disharmony是原词复现。 6. A. beds B. rooms C. quilts D. meals 6.A根据句意及本文的关键词sleep可推出。bed与sleep是词语同现。 The Sleep Council says that one in four of us regularly retreats to a 7 room or a sofa for a comfortable night’s sleep, and the National Association of Home Builders 8 that by 2015 more than 60 percent of traditional houses will have double master 9 . 7. A. lonely B. spare C.


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