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成人本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:天津市西青区李七庄街幼儿家长对幼小衔接内容的认识情况的调查研究 □ □ □ ■ 夜大学 函授 脱产 高自考 准考证号: 030214100361 姓 名: 梁姝靖 专 业: 学前教育 学 院: 教育科学学院 完成日期: 2015年3月 指导教师: 赵雪霞 天津市西青区李七庄街幼儿家长对幼小衔接内容的认识情况的调查研究 摘要:幼小衔接工作长期以来受到教育工作者和家长们的普遍重视。做好幼小衔接工作可以对孩子一生的学习和工作产生积极的影响。家庭是幼儿成长的主要环境,家长的教育观念及教育方式直接影响儿童的幼小衔接状态。本研究主要采用问卷调查法、统计分析法,通过引用并改编徐舒敏硕士论文《幼小衔接实效性研究——基于家庭教育的视角》中的(幼儿家长版)问卷做调查。主要从家长观念方面、身体健康和运动发展方面、学习方面、语言方面、认知方面、社会性方面及物质方面了解天津市西青区李七庄街幼儿家长对幼小衔接内容的认识情况。调查发现,家长们对于幼小衔接内容的认识仅仅停留在观念层面,缺乏科学的理念指导实践。 关键字:天津市西青区李七庄街;幼儿家长;幼小衔接内容 An Investigation on Parents of Young Children Recognition of Linkage between Kid’s Preschool and Primary School Education in Liqizhuang Street Xiqing District Tianjin City Abstract: Linking work has long paid great attention to by educators and parents. Do linking work can have a positive impact on children learning for life and work. The family is the main environment for children to grow up, the concept of education and parental education directly affect childrens linking state. This research mainly uses the questionnaire survey method, statistical analysis method, by reference to the questionnaire in the masters thesis of Xu Shumin effectiveness researches on the linkage between kid’s preschool school education: based on home education mainly from the development of concepts of parents, health and sports, learning, language and the cognitive aspect, social aspect and material aspect to understand the parents recognition of linkage between kid’s preschool and primary school education in liqizhuang Street XiqingDistrict Tianjincity. The investigation discovered that, the guardians pause merely regarding the immature engagement content understanding in the idea stratification plane, lacks the science the idea instruction practice. Keywords: liqizhuang Street XiqingDistrict Tianjin city;Parents of young childre


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