八上Unit2ow often do you exercise?单元检测.doc

八上Unit2ow often do you exercise?单元检测.doc

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八上Unit2ow often do you exercise?单元检测

八上Unit2How often do you exercise?单元检测 一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。(10分) 1.--How o__________ does your mother shop?--Twice a week.? 2. I also like English. But math is his f____________ subject. 3. Some children often surf the I_______________ with the help of their parents. 4. We u_____________ play soccer on weekdays. 5. His father d__________ in a car accident. 6. Do you know the r________ of the football match? 7.M_________ he knows the answer. 8. Her uncle n___________ watches football match. He doesn’t like football at all. 9. -- What is your favorite TV p_________? ? -- Sports news. 10.--How many t__________ did you go to Beijing? ? --Only once. 二、单项选择?? 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分) 11. _____more fruits and vegetables is good _____ our health. A. Eating; to??????? B. Eats; for? C. Eating; for?????? D. Eat; for 12. —How_____ do you read English? --Sometimes. A. long?? B. often???? C. far???? D. much 13. A lot of vegetables ___you to keep in good health. ?? A. make? B. want???? C. try???? D. help 14. Peter is _____because he hardly ever exercises. ?? A. tired? B. happy?? C. healthy? D. unhealthy 15. He knows a lot ______he is still a child. ?? A. so???? B. although??? C. but???? D. or 16. My dad ______a lawyer when I grow up. A. wants me to????? B. wants me to be C. became?????D. wanted 17. My mother________ surfs the Internet, she likes watching TV. A. doesn’t hardly ever???? B. hardly ever C. isn’t hardly ever?????? D. hardly never 18. — ______does he do on the weekend? -- He often helps his mother with housework.. A.?How????? B. How often C. What?????? D. How soon 19. -- What_____ you usually _____on weekends? --I usually ______ violin. A. did; do; play the???B. do; do; play C. do; did; play?????D. do; do; play the 20. --Are you late for class? --_______. A. Yes, never????????? B. Yes, sometimes C. No, ever?????????D. No, usually 21. ____he was tired, ______he didn’t stop ______. A. Although, but; to rest? B. Though; / ; working?? C. Al


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