八级英语Uni 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains 2.doc

八级英语Uni 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains 2.doc

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八级英语Uni 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains 2

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 1 (1a-2d) 八年级英语教学设计 (2013版人民教育出版社新目标英语八年级下第六单元第一课时教学设计) 指导思想:1坚持英语教学的“工具性”与“人文性’的统一,以发展学生的综合语言能力为目标,重视培养学生积极的学习态度和情感,并以发展跨文化意识、促进心智发展、增强爱国精神为主要任务。2充分体现以人为本的科学发展观,及面向全体学生,又注意学生的个体差异。3强调学习过程,体现语言学习的渐进性、实践性、应用性。4重视语言学习策略的培养,帮助提高学生学习效率。通过体验、实践、参与、探究、合作等方式感悟、发现并总结语言规律。 教学理念与教材分析:本着一切从学生的实际出发的原则,由于本节课的功能与话题部分与学生的日常较为贴近,学生对这些较熟悉、也感兴趣,因此可以通过谈论读过的故事讲给同伴听,学习讲故事的方法。对于本单元的语法教学,可以采用教师讲解引导,学生模仿练习的方式,利用学生感兴趣的语言载体,讲解连词unless, as soon as, so that的用法。我班学生存在主要问题是学生差异较大,大部分学生有较强的学习能力,还有部分学生接受能力差,需要老师、同学的帮助。所以在教学时特别注意因材施教。 教学目标: 1.:Vocabulary:remind, bit, silly, instead of ,be moved by, work on, finish doing, a little bit Target language:① How does the story begin? Once upon a time, there was a very old man… ② What happened next? As soon as the man finished talking… ③ What do you think of the story of Yu Gong? ④ What could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains? Why was Yu Gong tying to move the mountains? 2) Ability Objects: Learn to talk about some fairy tales and the people in the story; Be able to tell a story using the target language; Learn the usages of conjunctions such as unless, as son as and so …that. 3.Moral Objects: 1)Educate students not to be afraid of difficulties and develop the spirit that one never gives up.2) Anything is possible if you work hard. 四.Teaching Difficult Points 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词remind, bit, silly, instead of… 2) 学会询问故事发展的基本句型:How does the story begin? What happened next? 3)学会表达故事中的人物或情节发表一些简单的看法或观点。 What do you think of about the story of Yu Gong? I think it’s a little bit silly. I still don’t agree with you. 五.Teaching Aids: The pictures of some famous fairy tales; tape recording; PPT 六、教学过程1. Have the students watch the movie of Yu Gong Moves a mountain, then talk about it with students. T: What’s the name of the story?\what do you think of the story? S1:It’s Yu Gong moves a mountain. S2: It’s a traditional Chinese story. T: Do you know other traditional Chinese stories? S:


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