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仪式通过促进社会纠纷的解决维护法律权威;司法仪式通过教化和规训巩固法 律权威。此外,本部分还运用心理学的初步知识对司法仪式塑造法律权威的心 理过程和机制进行了试探性的描述。 第三部分通过分析个案,展现出我国司法仪式在对法律权威的影响中取得 的进展和存在的不足,进而分析导致此种现象的以下几种原因:中国传统法律 的道德化使司法仪式在基层的普适度不高;法官和当事人对司法仪式与法律权 威关系的认知度不够;重实体轻程序的理念使司法仪式的运行举步维艰。 第四部分立足我国的司法实践提出提升法律权威必然要求重视司法仪式, 并从消解传统法文化,营造现代法治氛围;通过普法教育增强民众对司法仪式 的认同感;立足长远,加强法院司法文化建设;通过提高法官的职业素养来重 视司法仪式等方面为促使司法仪式的良好运行提供可能性的选择。 关键词:仪式;司法;司法仪式;法律权威 2 Abstract The authority of law is the prerequisite for the smooth implementation of law .There are many factors that affect the authority of law, judicial ritual is one of them. The construction of Chinese society under the rule of law cannot do without the law of justice, efficiency and authority, however, Chinas current social atmosphere of respect for legal authority is not strong duing to many factors, while the contempt of the judicial ritual can hardly absolve oneself from the blame. The justice ritual which is called ‘the outfit of justice’ is not only an important carrier showing modern judicial culture and philosophy, but also a direct platform for people to perceive The authority of law. The judicial ritual, based on jurisdiction, is an organic system which consists of a series of material expression of the symbol, behavior and verbal symbol expressing legal spirit and value. The symbol that expresses symbolic significance includes: the symbol shows as material, such as the solemn court buildings, orderly court space layout, symbolic national emblem, robe, gavel, etc; the symbol shows as some kind of behavior, such as the behavior that everyone must stand up while the court hearing begins; the symbol shows in words, such as the using of legal language, etc. The application of those symbolic material, behavior and words


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