毕业论文格式电说明修改版Part II.doc

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毕业论文格式电说明修改版Part II

(空2行) 一、组成部分及顺序 封面(Cover)由学校统一印制 扉页 原创声明(统一模板,签名要手签) 目录(Contents) 摘要(Abstract)包括两部分:1. 英文摘要;2.汉语摘要 正文(Main body) 尾注 (Notes) 参考文献(Bibliography) 附录(Appendix) [optional] 谢辞(Acknowledgements) 二、总体格式要求 正文字体:英文Times New Roman小四1页为正文第一页 其他格式:将光标停放在相应位置查看格式,未说明之处采用默认常规格式 三、论文内容格式样本(见下页) Contents (3号、新罗马、居中、与正文空1行) Abstract (in English) (小4号 加黑)………………………………………1 Abstract (in Chinese)……………………………………………………………2 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………2 Chapter 1 Thesis Format(小4号 加黑) ……………………………………2 1.1 Text Quotations……………………………………………………………2 1.1.1 Indirect Quotations ………………………………………………… 4 1.1.2(空1格)☆☆☆(5号)………………………………………… 7 1.2(空1格)☆☆☆(小4号)))))[It is advisable to adjust line spaces of CONTENTS according to the content of CONTENTS.] (空2行) Abstract (采用3号字、Times New Roman字体、加黑、居中、与内容空1行) The role of the abstract is not to evaluate, but rather to describe, the thesis. The abstract should include a brief but precise statement of the problem or issue, a description of the research method and design, the major findings and their significance, and the conclusions. Three to six keywords should be indicated below the abstract to describe the contents of the manuscript. Keywords should be selected, if appropriate, from the following classes: theoretical methods, experimental methods, phenomena, materials, and applications. (内容采用小4号Times New Roman字体,1.5行距,首句空4格)Key words: English teaching; abstract; keyword (关键词与摘要段落空一行;内容采用小4号、Times New Roman字体、接排、各关键词之间有1个空格及分号; 关键词3-5个) (空2行) 摘 要 (与内容空1行;“摘要”之间空2格,采用3号字、黑体、加黑、居中) 摘要应能客观地反映论文主要内容的信息,具有独立性和自含性。一般不超过字,排在作者署名与关键词之间。中文摘要的内容应与英文摘要相对应。关键词是反映论文主题概念的词或词组,一般每篇可选3~个,关键词编排在摘要下方多个关键词之间用分号分隔。中英文关键词应一一对应。The introductory section usually places the study against the background of previous work in the field. The importance of the topic, its role in current controversy or developments, and the scholarly tradition in which thesis belongs might be developed here. … (


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