JSP君逸家政服务站的设计与实现说明书 (含程序源文件).doc

JSP君逸家政服务站的设计与实现说明书 (含程序源文件).doc

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JSP君逸家政服务站的设计与实现说明书 (含程序源文件)

 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 JSP君逸家政服务网站的设计与实现 起讫日期                  学生姓名  专业班级 所在院系          指导教师 职称     所在单位 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2选题意义 1 1.3论文的研究内容 2 1.4论文的组织结构 2 第二章 开发方法及关键技术介绍 3 2.1开发方法介绍 3 2.2开发过程及步骤 3 2.3开发技术简介 3 第三章 家政服务网站的需求分析 7 3.1系统可行性分析 7 3.2业务流程分析 7 3.3系统数据流程图分析 8 3.4数据字典 11 第四章 家政服务网站的系统设计 15 4.1系统功能需求 15 4.2系统功能模块设计 15 4.4数据库设计 16 第五章 家政服务网站的功能实现 21 5.1家政服务网站首页 21 5.2新闻信息模块 24 5.3网站信息模块 24 5.3.2用户信息管理模块 25 5.3.3订单信息管理模块 25 第六章 系统测试与维护 26 6.1系统测试简述 26 6.2系统登陆测试 26 6.3系统测试效果 27 总 结 28 谢 辞 29 参考文献 30 ABSTRACT This article describes the JunYi Domestic Service website design and development process.Along with the quick development of information technique and global economy,the competition between enterprises is more serious.In order to get great development,the enterprise must get the consumers status in time, handle all related business including both sales and services,lower the operation fee and build up a good communication channel between the enterprise and consumers.On the other hand,our sales team was also looking for such a tool to help them on managing all kinds of data. So combine and make the demand of fact.This site uses the JSP+JavaBean pattern of development for development,use JDBC/ODBC bridge driver to connect to the database driver,use and design program to SQL Server 2000 data base management system,SQL language principle, JSP technology has carried on the deeper study and application,finish demand analysis,function module dividing,database mode analysis to the study of website for Domestic Service mainly,and has designed structure of the database and application program from this.Web page design using Dreamweaver.Syster information,management of cars information and so on. Through the testing,the operation result of the system realizes the management of Domestic Service system is steady.It is easy to operate and the speed is fast.The thesis works out



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