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1 由式(8—13),边界层内部的压强变化为 (8—24) 对于平板上的边界层, ,于是上式中 ,代入式(8—23),得 y =0时, (8—25) 对式(8—21)连续偏导两次,并令其等于零,得 由此得B=0。又在 处有 (8—26) We still use Eq.( 8-21), we have We would find Substitute A、B、C above into Eq.(8-2), we would obtain flow velocity distribute of boundary layer of laminar flow, that is (8—27) 仍应用式(8—21)得 解得 将上面的A、B、C各值代入式(8—21),得层流边界层内的流速分布为 (8—27) 2. Thickness Equation of Boundary Layer of Laminar Flow (8—28) On the other hand, from Eq.(8-18) and Eq.(8-16), we have From Newton’s internal friction law 二、层流边界层厚度公式 (8—28) 另一方面,由式(8—18)和式(8—16),有 由牛顿内摩擦定律 so (8—29) We can find which find from Eq.(8-28) or Eq.(8-29) would be equal, hence Differentiate equation above, and notice:in front end of plane board, that is at the location of x=0, ,we would have (8—30) 所以 (8—29) 因为由式(8—28)或式(8—29)求得的 应该相等,所以得 将上式积分,并且注意:在平板前端,即 x=0 处, ,于是得 (8—30) 3. Friction Resistance Equation of Laminar Boundary Layer (8—31) (8—32) Friction resistance force which acts on the single side of plane board which width is b length is ,from Eq.(8-19),we have Combining Eq.(8-32) and Eq.(8-20), yielding friction resistance coefficient (8—33) Renault number is Substitute Eq.(8-30) into Eq.(8-28), then 三、层流边界层的摩擦阻力公式 (8—31) (8—32) 作用在宽为 b ,长为 单侧平板上的摩擦阻力,由式(8—19)为 联立式(8—32)和式(8—20),得摩擦阻力系数 (8—33) 式中雷诺数 。 将式(8—30)代入式(8—28)得 This is only a approximate solution, precise solution is got from Blasius Equation according to boundary layer equation (8-12), limited by mathematical reason, we give the result: (8—34) Notice: This result only applies to laminar boundary layer, not turbulent boundary layer. 这只是一种近似解,严密解是由勃拉休斯根据边界层基本公式(8—12)求得的,但是限于数学原因,这里只给出其结果: (8—34) 注意: 此结果只适用于层流边界层,对于紊流边界层不适用。 [Example8-2] In the water which motion viscosity coefficie


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