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Using the Doppler Effect (多普勒效应) Problem: The laser can slow the approaching atoms, but it can also blast off the receding ones. Solution: Use Doppler shift. When the atom is receding from the laser source, the wavelength is lengthened and there is a redshift. When the atom is approaching the laser source, the wavelength is shortened and there is a blueshift. See the animation: http://www.astro.ubc.ca/~scharein/a311/Sim.html 多普勒冷却原则上可以使原子的热速度从室温下的几百m/s降至很低,但是却不能无限低下去,存在着一个极限TD。 多普勒冷却极限 因为原子在每次吸收和自发发射光子而获得阻碍其运动的过程中,由于自发发射的随机性,每发射一个光子以后原子都获得一个在时间和方向上都随机的反冲动量,因而导致原子动量的起伏。 这种起伏相应于激光对原子的一种加热过程,它是难于消除的。激光对原子的冷却速率与这种加热过程达到平衡的温度,也就是激光冷却的多普勒极限温度TD 。 需要其他的冷却机制将原子冷却至比TD更低的温度,它们基本上都是在“光学粘胶”中依靠其它机制来实现。 Laser Trapping (激光陷阱) Suppose the laser has the right colour for the photons to be absorbed by an approaching atom, then the atom will be slowed down. However, the laser will not have the right colour for the photons to be absorbed by the receding atom because of Doppler effect. Hence the atom will not change in this case. When lasers are sent in from all the different directions, the atoms can get cold very quickly. This is called laser trapping, and the trapped atoms form an optical molass (光学黏胶). See the animation: /physics/2000/bec/lascool4.html 真空中的一束钠原子被迎面而来的激光束阻止了下来,然后把钠原子引进两两相对,沿三个正交方向的六束激光的交汇处。其效果就是不管钠原子企图向何方运动,都会遇上具有恰当能量的光子,被推回到六束激光交汇的区域。于是,在这个小区域里,聚集了大量冷却下来的原子,组成了肉眼看去像是豌豆大小的发光气团。 由六束激光组成的阻尼机制就像某种粘稠的流体,原子陷入其中会不断降低速度。这种机制就叫做“光学粘胶”。 光学粘胶 Magnetic Trapping (磁性陷阱) Problem: Laser cooling can cool the atoms down to 10?K, because atoms can spontaneously emit the absorbed photon. This is still too hot for BEC. Solution: Evaporative cooling The atoms behave as tiny compasses. They can be pulled by magnetic fields. A magnetic field can be designed to push the atoms inwards from both sides, forming a magnetic trap. See the animation: /physics/2000/bec/mag_trap.html * * * Atoms in Unison in the Coolest Gas in the Universe 超冷世界的原子大合唱 Laser Cooling 激光冷却 What is the significance


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