分子生物学 基因突变.ppt

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基 因 突 变 相 关 技 术; Natural Selection;Natural Selection;Science and Research;如果要对近几年的社会话题按照“敏感指数”排出一个名次的话,转基因食品的安全问题恐怕至少要入围三甲。究其背后的原因,如果不是转基因食品在安全性问题上确有遮掩、隐瞒的话,那么我们就该反思,是不是真正地了解了“转基因食品的安全性到底是怎么一回事儿?”;Evolution ;Spiral goat ;George was all mouth ;Back to the Water;Science: 科学家揭示 人类长相各异的原因 ;该研究总共分析了四千多个可能与面部发育相关的增强子序列,建立了增强子序列的基因组图谱。此外他们还细致分析了其中200个基因增强子的活性。子女遗传了父母的基因,但是由于增强子的存在,在面部发育过程中基因活性不尽相同,最终导致面部发育结果不完全相同。该结果还提示遗传学家,增强子的特异突变也会在新生儿缺陷中发挥作用。有助于开发更好的诊断和治疗措施。 ;Fine Tuning of Craniofacial Morphology by Distant-Acting Enhancers Catia Attanasio, Alex S. Nord, Yiwen Zhu, Matthew J. Blow, Zirong Li, Denise K. Liberton, Harris Morrison, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Amy Holt, Roya Hosseini, Sengthavy Phouanenavong, Jennifer A. Akiyama, Malak Shoukry, Veena Afzal, Edward M. Rubin, David R. FitzPatrick, Bing Ren, Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Len A. Pennacchio, Axel Visel The shape of the human face and skull is largely genetically determined. However, the genomic basis of craniofacial morphology is incompletely understood and hypothesized to involve protein-coding genes, as well as gene regulatory sequences. We used a combination of epigenomic profiling, in vivo characterization of candidate enhancer sequences in transgenic mice, and targeted deletion experiments to examine the role of distant-acting enhancers in craniofacial development. We identified complex regulatory landscapes consisting of enhancers that drive spatially complex developmental expression patterns. Analysis of mouse lines in which individual craniofacial enhancers had been deleted revealed significant alterations of craniofacial shape, demonstrating the functional importance of enhancers in defining face and skull morphology. These results demonstrate that enhancers are involved in craniofacial development and suggest that enhancer sequence variation contributes to the diversity of human facial morphology. ;运动和咖啡因 会改变你的DNA ;女性携带离婚基因 A-allele 者离婚率高出五成 ;概念及分类 诱因与特点 突变与疾病 突变与遗传工程技术 突变的检测; 概 念:


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